A Dialogue between two Friends in Russian | Learn Real Russian Conversations

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Привет из Японю.
Спасибо за лекция. Мне нравится изчать Русский язык с диалогоми.


Thank you for the lesson, thank you for highlighting the stress in each word, and thank you for writing with script letters. And a massive thank you for consistently posting new videos daily: this is highly appreciated and your channel will continue growing as more people realize the value you deliver through these videos.


Always at the cows' tail, but I get there.


Good morning!
Доброе утро!
Dobraye utra!

Welcome to my channel !
Добро пожаловать на мой канал !
Dabro pazhalovat' na moy kanal!

How are you today?
Как у вас дела сегодня?
Kak oo vas dyela seevodnya?

A dialogue between two friends. Learning or reading and writing dialogues is a very good way to improve your speaking skills.
So, this is why today we are going to write, read and learn a dialogue. A very common conversation between two friends.

So, let’s begin:

Nastya, where were you yesterday? I called you about ten times.
Настя, где ты была вчера ? Я звонила тебе раз десять.[10]
Nastya, gdye ty byla vchera? YA zvanila teebye raz dyeseet'.

If we write like that:
Десять раз [Dyeseet' raz] it will mean “exactly 10 times”.
But if we say: раз десять [raz dyeseet'], it means: “about 10 times”.

Yes, I know. I forgot my phone at home. We were at the Zakhara’s country cottage.
Да, знаю. Я забыла телефон дома. Мы были на даче у Захарa.
Da, znayoo. YA zabyla teelefon doma. My byli na dache oo Zakhara.

I came back home late.
Домой я вернулась поздно.
Damoy YA vernoolas' pozdna.

Дачa [Dacha]= a country cottage outside the city, where people go
for weekends or holidays to relax.

I see. What about today; are you free?
LIT: I understand. Well, and today are you free?
Понятно. Ну, а сегодня ты свободна ?
Panyatna. Noo, a seevodnya ty svabodna?

Unfortunately, no. Today will study for my exam. Why
LIT: Unfortunately, no. Today I will prepared for my exam. Why?
К сожалению, нет. Cегодня я буду готовиться к экзамену.
А что ?
K sazhaleniyoo, neyt. Seevodnya YA boodoo gatovit'sa k ekzamenoo. A shto?

А что ?= And/but why? Meaning: Why are you asking?


It’s a pity. I wanted to introduce you to my new friends. They are from Norway. We met them yesterday at the park.
Жаль. Я хотела познакомить тебя с моими новыми друзьями.
Они из Норвегии.  Мы познакомились с ними вчера в парке.
Zhal'. YA khateela pazankomit' teebya s maimi novymi drooz'yami.
Ani iz Narvegii. My paznakomilis' s nimi vchera f parke.

Let’s do it next week. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I have exams. I have to prepare for them. [To study]
Давай на следующей неделе. Завтра и послезавтра у
меня экзамены. Мне нужно готовиться.
Davay na sleydooyooshey needyele. Zaftra ee poslezaftra oo menya ekzameeny. Mnye noozhna gatovit'sa.

Good/Fine. I understand you. I won’t disturb you. Call me next week.
Хорошо. Я тебя понимаю. Не буду мешать. Позвони мне на следующей неделе.
Kharasho. YA teebya panimayoo. Nee boodoo meeshat'. Pazvani mnye na sleydooyooshey needyele.

Definitely. By the way on Friday after the exam we are going to Anton’s house. He is throwing a party. Come.
Обязательно. Кстати в пятницу после экзамена мы идём
к Aнтону домой. Он устраивает вечеринку. Приходи .
Abeezatel'na. Kstati f pyatnitsoo posle ekzamena my idyom k Antonoo damoy. On oostraivaet veecheerinkoo. Prikhadi.

Okay, I will think about it.
Окей. Я подумаю.
Okey. YA padoomayoo.

That’s all for this lesson.

That is all for today.
Всё на сегодня.
Fsyo na seevodnya.

See you in the evening.
Увидимся с вами вечером.
Oovidimsa s vami vyecheram.

Пока !
