The Reason Why Software Is Broken | Tsoding

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This Is The Reason Why Software Is Broken: No One Needs Software.
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customers don't need good software, just any software that kinda works


bcz people think hardware is at fault and that how it is marketed.
1. Their phones are slow.
2. Their phones is old now.
3> I need an i-phone 16.
no body is marketing like < we have a soy dev who uses 169 libaries on react native project


Many people do care, but what are they gonna do? Stop using their bank account? Stop doing their job? Stop using the internet? Software companies have managed to copy the printer market's approach: when all products are bad nobody loses customers because in the end you gotta buy or use things.


nobody actually asks customers what they want, business just keeps updating its products for no reason


It is profitable to make bad software, so you can justify your product being saas


Speed of development is more valuable than working software.


I don't agree. Will user not care if software he's using is laggy as hell and sometimes crashes with lost of progress? It could be software for video editing, 3d modeling, game development, etc, but either way, in my opinion, it is not a good experience to work with a laggy program. Most likely, most of the users just don't have any other choice. They can't just waste a lot of time learning new software that possibly lacks on features, while they have a job that depends on current program. Some of the people can find the courage to try, but most of them don't, because it's too risky.


Software development is a young field compared to others. We do not bish out for other fields, because we accepted the fact that there is a difference between premium and regular. When we buy a pair of scissors we do not buy the one for $100, we get the one that costs $5 because it does the job. Similar with software, as long as it does something, people will be happy. Very few people will appreciate that it is hand optimized, uses low memory, has responsive design, can export, and so on.


wrong, people who use it are not fine with it, but companies (for-profit and oss-alike) learned some handy tricks to just football most users (individual, small businesses, schools & colleges, etc) to some tech support limbo.
also continuous updates really broke software, if a small company (like 10-20 programmers) constantly add new features, it's gonna break every 3-5 months.


dev: my software work
client: ok...!?
dev: we use Agile/React/(insert framework)/AI
client: HOLY SHT!


Customers feel like they have more control over the project they're paying for because they can see the state of the program sooner when it is tested on their machines.


people speak about microservices, or monolith architecture, but money fast jenga tower architecture reigns supreme


When the good software comes out people don't donate and it dies. Then they complain Chrome and Firefox are the only options. Go figure.


I would say that people don't need good software at the actual price, the price of a developer entering on the market that might lack the ability to perform unit testing or any testing at all, or may not master the fundamental of git begin with. Which is saying a lot on the state of the software development knowledge field. I mean you can also see it from a skill issue perspective.


customers take best what they can afford. There are niches where only two or three vendors and all of them provide buggy software. You have to choose between them.


simple reason: the buyers are not the users


"nobody needs real devs anymore, cuz nobody needs working software" ... truer/sader words have never been spoken.


No one expects software to just work nowadays, in most of markets. And I think it’s fine, cause most of them need support anyways. And since they are paying for support, why not have bugs to be fixed? When the customers encounter them? Why pay for QA?


Who needs coding at all? Just make AI that has unlimited access to Windows API on windows or to syscalls (or what ever the unix equivalent is) in Linux. So for example you just tell it to render word document on screen and it will on it's own use disk io to get the contents of document, use it's AI superpower to understand the bytes and then make calls directly to your graphics driver to render the document. And when for example you move your mouse to top right corner it will realize that you want to close the window and quickly order minimize, maximize and close buttons from image generation AI and add new UI elements on the fly.


people should start making viruses 😂 prime time for it
