Karyn's Free Information Session : Let's Talk About Sugar

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The average American consumes about 152 pounds of sugar a year and sugar has become the root cause of our obesity epidemic and most chronic diseases. Tune in to  hear ways to help you break the addictive cycle of sugar cravings that robs us of our health.   
Join us Tuesday, May 25th for another informative discussion about all things health and wellness related.
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The herb Rosemary is supposed to help with memory and cognitive function. I always add it in my daily green smoothie 🌱


Oh I agree about sugar! When I eat sugar it triggers depression. I try to stay away! Love you so! xxoo Susan


Karyn omgoodness thank you SO MUCH FOR YOUR TRANSPARENCY!! I came across your channel years ago but was somewhat discouraged because I thought I had to meet high expectations to be healthy. I am a 63 year old African American woman that is vegan. NO medication nor ever been. I still have a long ways to go but watching this today has helped me tremendously!! Thank you for being who God created you to be! You look Amazing! Many Blessing


I would love to hear more about water and see your water station. I dont think your crazy I believe in everything your talking about <3


The term "high raw" typically means you are eating at least 70% raw food but less than 100%. So, Karyn is not high raw she is simply 100% raw.


Re: The Sugar Break:
Erithrytol is a natural plant alcohol/sugar, it’s also zero on the glycemic index, zero blood sugar, and zero calories, it’s also zero effect as far as feeding yeast/candida/fungus etc, apparently.


Is raw corn ok to consume? In Jersey we have the best white corn and its super sweet!!!


What do you eat in a day? Please show us how you make your Raw 🍞 Bread. 😊


did you know that the pancreas has to work 6 times harder to break down sugar..I am not a scientist but Ilearned about this with diet workshop and Stevia..I really doubt the processed stevia ..its better to use the leaf....you look beautiful....and your skin glows!!!!


Karen - Have you ever had ear Irrigation. For the 1st time at 70, I am aware of a build up of wax in my ears.


new information has come out about fruit. see, if you cook fruit, yes the structure changes from simple to complex.. heat alters the structure.. and causes insulin release...
but eating fruit raw, theres no insulin release if you eat the fruit. 
but if you juice then your removing the fibre which causes an insulin release.. you need every part of the fruit ( except the skin or rind.)
raw fruit sugar is called fructose. ( not like the high corn syrup fructose)
raw vegetables have sugar but its called glucose and this needs insulin release
sugar in dairy is called galactose, its needs insulin release..

if your brain needs fructose from raw fruits, it alters glucose for its fuel..
this is just recent information thats come out of Harvard...

but fruit eaten is perfect for detox.. it is astringent (breaks down hardened waste like arthritis)
its hydrating and eat every 2 hours..
it has enzymes to work with the astringency.
doesn't need cooking or refrigeration.
you can blend fruit but never juice it, heat it or eat it with other foods as vegetables.. its the wrong food combination..


Honey is the most complete food on the planet..you have to useit in limited dosis..research its


I disagree about the fruit! Fruit is natural, processed sugar is the problem


😂😂😂 is that when what your eating doesn't want to come out anymore?
