Python RegEx / Regular Expressions in Python Study Group Series - Session 6 (Web Scraping in Emails)

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🖥 Presented by Women Who Code Python
👩‍💻 Speaker: Katerina Hanson Hosted/Moderated by Eliza Sarobhasa
✨ Topic: Python RegEx / Regular Expressions in Python Study Group Series - Session 6 (Web Scraping in Emails)

These sessions are perfect for those who are unfamiliar with programming but enjoy learning new languages.

As a followup to Session 5, we are briefly covering web scraping in email content.

Have you ever wondered how a search button work? Do you know your mutli-lingual ability can be extended to exporting in finding specific information you want on your own over the internet?

For beginners with fundamental Python knowledge, we will cover Basic RegEx Structure, introduction of Regular Expression and Language, Metacharacter, and RegEx methods in Python, fun RegEx games, and practice questions in this 5-part series.

About speaker:
Katerina is an experienced Engineering Manager, with 5 years managing and over 10 years in software. She loves building great teams, has a passion for bringing technology to traditionally bypassed industries, and in her spare time she enjoys singing, weight lifting, and playing with her two tuxedo cats.

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