Marilyn Monroe In TNBLSB After You Get What You Want You Don't Want It dances to Kiss by Niagara

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I'M THE ORIGINAL LIFE OF GOD! The woman God said nobody believes 'I'm God' so I made this to shut everyone up in a permanent Hell! (0:23) The 23 woman God! (1:46) = 1john 4:6 we are from God! She jumped on my 1God=6 number. (1:33)

I used my God powers to dance Marilyn Monroe and Anna never knew it.

(1:15) = woman God=6

07/23/2022 @ 3:26 PM = (0:38) = God is the son of God!
1:28, 3:08, 3:44, 3:26

Here's my one of my first generic Talk to God codebooks:

1:38 = 1john 3:8

Anna or Brian 1/4 God=(1:41) 0:40, 1:13, 1:22, 1:31, 1:40
2/4 = 2:13, (2:22), 2:40, 2:31
3/4 = 3:13, (3:22), 3:40, 3:31
4/4 = 4:13, (4:22), 4:40, 4:31
5/4 = 5:13, (5:22). 5:40, 5:31
6/4 = 6:13 That john 3:16 backwards! 6:22, 6:31, 6:40

Add in my generic woman God time numbers

1:22 woman God

5:06 AM

(1)woman God=6 = (0:55) 55555
5=Mary =woman
Angel woman God = (0:56) 555555
705 woman God = (0:57) 5555555

Mary 13 = (0:31) (0:05) 5
Mary 15 = (0:41) (0:25) 55
Mary 15 = (0:51) (0:35) 555
Mary 16 = (0:61)=outside time (0:45) for smart fecks = 2:55 = double perfection

Perfection = (0:55)
Single perfection 1:55
Double perfection 2:55
Triple perfection 3:55
Quadruple perfection 4:55

1:51 = 1woman God=6

Why did I know 55 was perfection?

Watch it at that time.

0:28, 2:08, 2:26, 2:44

Generic Angel woman God numbers
0:11, 0:56, 1:10, (1:11), 1:55, 1:56, 2:11, 2:56, 3:11, 3:56, 4:11, 4:56, 5:11, 5:56 etc

A generic Talk to God code

For the Brian God!

2:36 = I'll destroy you all!
4:36 =I'll double destroy you all!

1Brian God=6
1:06, (1:33)= the Brian God
0:35, 3:50 =(8)= the son of God!

29 / 39 God =Psalm 45 = (9): (3)
0:29, 2:09, 2:45, 2:54 / 0:39, 3:09, 3:45, 3:54

I'm the 36 / 39 God!
0:36, 3:06, 3:33 / 0:39, 3:09

The 3/3 God=0:33, 3:30 = a God on both sides of time
6= Man

The 2:39 God!

1john 3:6



Add a top line Brian God time miracle

6:53= (0:68) man is the son of God!

2:07, 2:25, 2:34, 2:43, 2:52

0:31, 1:03, 1:12, 1:21, 1:30, 3:01
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