Luck : My Experience

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Personally I do feel very very lucky and blessed indeed in most parts in my life😊
What do you all feel? Are you a lucky or unlucky person?


Despite all my health impairments, right now, at my 29 years of life, I feel the most blessed woman in the world ❤ I never thought I was going to find such a perfect partner for me, that we both connected so deeply in every aspect❤ Nothing better than being alive with the person I love and when my time comes I'll be thankful for you and the life we had ❤ I LOVE YOU SWEETIE ❤


Oh my god dude, I know you've heard the following probably million times, but I've been lurking/following you since the Ugly My Experience video. I am so happy for you my man. I'm big mean looking dude with horrible stern Resting B**** Face and your story brought me to tears. I wanted to give you hug when I saw that video all those years ago but man I want to give you one even more now.
I wish you a long wonderful life my brother.
I might not be around much longer, but man your story brings such a huge smile to my face. God bless you broski


I feel blessed, but I am going through a very rough patch. Health is a blessing and when it becomes poor, it reframes how you can deal with ups and downs. Wishing mercy on all of us struggling for any reason, Thank you for sharing your experience of life on planet Earth.


Congrats man and everything you do. You have deeply inspired me to become a better person and value life to its greatest content so thank you. You are the most wholesome and kind YouTuber I have ever and across so for that I thank you!!!!


Hey I've been dealing with half diagnosed half undiagnosed health issues in the last years that literally paralyze my life. Even though I ve been trying to make things better, being in complete despair and hopelessnes most of the time, "might be all psychological" kinda comments are the last thing I would like to endure. So for all these I feel out of luck.
But finding this channel on youtube gives me a splash of hope, like a distant friend I am happy for ✌️


I am so happy for you. And I truly wish you nothing but a happy life going forward.


I think you are much luckier than me. When I was a child, I grew up in an abusive family. There were many times when I didn't eat for days because I had nothing to eat. They beat me every night. I am, but these things crippled me so much for life that I don't think I'll ever have anyone in my life, but I've come to terms with it, I've accepted it.


glad you got to this step in life, happy for you my man keep it up


Thank you for sharing ❤
I feel i am very lucky :) even if i struggle from time to time.
You are defenetly a brave man, and as it is true that you are lucky having the chanche of working as a youtuber, it is also true that you worked for it, you took your chances, you showed yourself to the world. That is not only luck, it is also courage.
Hope good things are on the way for all of us


I am really unattractive but people in my country are like more average looking so the pain is little low


I disagree that we are lucky to be born. In my opinion it’s bad because we don’t choose to come into this world that is full of suffering. It’s a matter of opinion.


Brother, I am 18 years old at the exact moment I write this, well I was born on 04/22/2005, I also went through the same thing as you, I mean almost everything you narrated 5 years ago, it shocked me, I felt identified, but in this I am overweight and I am a virgin, well it seems ridiculous to say that hahahaha, and to think what the future holds for me if I don't give up like you, I hope to have the same breath of motivation, Greetings from Peru.


To be alive isn't lucky. None existence with no stress, no worries, no suffering, no struggles, no judgement, no pain, no boredom, no fears, no heartache, no toxicity, no shame, no comparisons, no jealousy, no competition, no expectations, no trust issues sounds like a much more peaceful state of being.

I honestly consider those who were aborted or those of whom never got to witness this 1 in a billion miracle as the lucky ones. Those were fortunate enough to not have to endure the cruelties of life and reality.

I for one don't feel lucky to be alive in the slightest. If I had been blessed in certain areas I too may have a slightly different perspective, but that was not to be. Even then though you would exist in your own little bubble remaining ignorant of all the ills in the world.

Happiness, enjoyment, excitement, connections, love, luck? Never experienced any of that in my life. Everything is a complication upon complication. Nothing is ever straightforward or simple in my case. Navigating all the complexities of life with obvious problems or and disadvantages is such a difficult task.


Even if his wife returns, which is already mad suspicious, and she actually loves him for who he is.. he still has to experience the black pill daily. People will forever be commenting that he doesn't deserve her, people will forever be telling her that she can do better, he will always be worried if this is the day she leaves me for someone better looking, and regardless people will still treat him as they have always treated him, as an ugly dude. His best bet is to make it big in status and money in order to hide from reality and live in an illusion world that he can manifest.


I am unlucky person, at least I have no major desease this is the only good point.
In love and in friendship, I always, always, always meet my strict opposite : when I meet a girl, she is either in couple, or she is offensive. Going out, go to social events or travel never worked for me 😭


This is the feeling when never give up, loses his old girlfriend lullaby and now his wife You will go insane .


ngl being born in sweden is very very lucku


You helper me through my life thank you very much dude


i feel unlucky in my life sometimes i feel like i want to end it
