Cheaters Killed Apex Legends

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Apex Legends is dying. Well, at least according to the game's most prolific player ImperialHal.

This is a massive statement about one of the most successful BRs in the gaming industry. So is it true? Is Apex dying. If so, what's killing it? And can it be saved?

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Y'all let cheaters ruin Titanfall, now they've come for you.


Greed also killed Apex, at least with the new battlepass


Calling Hal the "self-proclaimed CEO of Apex" is messed up. The community started calling him that and it stuck


I have around 1300 hours on apex in total on steam. I haven't opened the game in months. That massive cheating scandal and how much the game has dropped in quality over each season. It's nowhere near the as fun as it used to be. It's crazy. And now they are trying to double charge us for the battlepass???? Yea, fuck you EA.

Apex, CoD, Battlefield, Overwatch etc, seems like all these juggernaut IP's are dying. It's kinda sad to see but at the same time, completely deserved.


EA makes a statement about doing security updates and no security updates were done


the cheater epidemic is real in online multiplayer gaming. people are cheating in fucking street fighter for some reason


Featuring Microtransactions from the Electronic Arts™️ Series!


HisWattson has literally had days and days of streams killed, he'll fake queue, hide his queue, and no matter what the same cheater will join on at least one account into that match, where he then targets Wattson and then instantly crashes the server after killing him.


Apex has perfected the trinity:

Bad matchmaking
Lack of audio
Laggy servers


It's the cheaters, smurfs, and especially microtransactions becoming more prevalent in-game than before. The Iron Crown Collection Event was just the start, and we've since moved into the Final Fantasy event with the $400 death box AND this new Battle Pass system. It's unbelievably exhausting. 😒


Cheaters are far more worse than what we think. I remember I watched one video about a guy that tells how they sell these cheats for $$$ and how they do it subtly. They purposely target non-streamers because they knew they won't get any attention compared to professional streamers. There's also one guy named HisWattson getting targeted blatantly whenever he streams. It's soo bad that he had to stop streaming for days.

Now with the new battlepass system, this could be the last straw of active players they would kill off. It's really sad that it's the only FPS I've been stuck with for years and never have I been in any FPS since CS 1.6. That says a lot how this game has soo much potential but it's owned by EA so.. we probably know what's next in this game.


Been playing this game for 3 years all I have to say is that this is the best fps game made in modern gaming with all of the wrong people developing and controlling it

You know it’s bad when the score writes a piece about it!!


I also hate how the ranked system works. Like Im a platinum casual player. I really just play for fun, but I always get matched with former Master/Diamond ranked every game. Imagine the skill gap there


I have over 8000 hours in Apex 90k kills on my Pathfinder the #1 Pathy of the Netherlands yet I've not touched this game in like 2 months the greed of EA on top of the massive cheater problem is what's killing it.. And it's not looking too good for next season either..


I mean, everyone knows about titanfall, right? The game made by the same people that is also now unplayable on official servers because of hacking?


Ye we have cheaters on the daily and the devs only respond was raising the BP price to the double

I hate EA
I love Apex


I am not boycotting Apex. I am simply quitting playing garbage. EA and Respawn took a fantastic game and made it trash. They do not care, and this latest BP change is them milking what they can from the game before it is dead. Psychopaths will do psychopathic things, and since I do indeed have a choice.. I choose not to take part in their pathetic schemes.


The game is dying because its fucking garbage and full of cheaters. Not to mention how the game is full of auto-aim assist controller players.


I played Apex Legends seriously from seasons 1 to 3 but after a long break, I returned and uninstalled it within hours. Despite not playing for almost 2 years, I was placed in bronze/rookie lobbies filled with Diamond+ players. This ruins the game for me and others who want their rank to reflect their actual skill level. The hidden MMR system means we secretly have two ranks, and the visible rank doesn't matter. This approach makes it frustrating to return and climb ranks. It's not fun to struggle in mismatched lobbies, and it can drive players away. From a development standpoint, this doesn't help retain the player base.
