Biden Administration Gives Huge Win To Gig Workers

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This is horrible for doordash and Uber drivers. It will not help us at all.


NOPE NOPE NOPE. I’m a gig worker and this will destroy me. Now they can tell me where to work, and when.

As someone who is attending school, this is absolutely terrible. This is horrible. It might even lead to me no longer being able to work, as note that 80% of the force in gig work will be let go; kicked off apps.

This is BAD!!!


This will be amazing if it's substantive and doesn't leave loopholes for companies continuously undercutting the labor/workers that generate all the profits they steal. We desperately need a Workers Bill of Rights.


A big win that unfortunately people aren't talking about, Gig workers are the backbone in a lot of places


I’m 45 and I don’t think social security will be around when I retire


This is what makes me fume at the “parties are the same” crowd


Labor dept should bring lawsuits against these big corporations that have been exploiting gig workers for years now. Do or dash, Uber, even healthcare services have all been gigified by the ultra-rich in order to siphon money from workers and avoid paying benefits. Recoup money for the gig workers and make these oligarchs pay into social security.


IT IS MUCH BETTER for citizens to make their own decisions and decide what money they want to allocate to what. the government forcing people to participate in social security might have good intentions but that not freedom.


DoorDash hasn't even been providing us 1099s in Washington State at least; they have to now - started January 1, 2024.


Those workers should be back paid their social security payments.

Expecting the state to pick up the cost where poverty pay and willful misclassification of employment status benefits the company and is, morally, fraud.

These companies are the benefit scroungers and they are doing so on a much larger scale.


This is the kind of thing that motivates me to continue voting in the primaries despite otherwise constant disappointment. Big ups to team Biden for this one.


This isn't gonna help truckers, unfortunately. FLSA still has massive loopholes for drivers because how dare drivers expect to be fairly compensated for our time?


Ha! I sometimes use the captions and when Sam said trump era it spelled out trump error!😂


Lmao these companies must be PISSED. They wasted so much money lobbying lmao. Losers.


I have friends who own UPS franchise stores; they're _proud_ of their workers and glad they've found ways to offer benefits. I don't understand why more businesses can't do this.


That part about not getting Social Security if you are a contractor doesn't sound quite right. If you are a contractor, you file your taxes as "self-employed", and are required to pay an extra tax: "self employment tax". I'm pretty sure that means that YOU have to pay what we normally think of as "the employer's share" of the Social Security tax. So it's not that you don't get benefits, it's that you have the burden of having to pay extra for them in advance, without any employer subsidizing them. My memory is hazy on this (did it a long time ago) but isn't that how it works?

This is just as bad, of course. It makes sense for say, small business owners; they truly are their own employer with all the responsibilities and wealth potential that comes with that. It does NOT make sense for misclassfied employees struggling to get by.


As a gig worker myself who has no problem with this. I will say lots of other gig workers in my industry hate this. It's crazy.


What will this do to the 62.5 cent per mile tax write off for independent contractors? Let alone other business expenses? Freedom to work when and where I want? I multi-app, I am a sole-proprieter, business owner. Guess no more. I'm not tearing my car up for no mileage write off. Unless someone can clarify if we still get the tax write offs. I don't think DD, uber or any of them are going to pay mileage.


A driver who helped mom and I get home from a local albertson's stated that there was a major issue with Uber and Lyft not paying them proper in light of rate hikes due to cold weather. Basically the companies would still pay the standard rate to the drivers whle stealing the rest of the cash they charged for a given fare. Some of these rates in the DFW area here in Texas can be as high as 20 bucks at peak hours even if its only a 2 or 3 mile drive in bad weather. And with the coming snowstorm on monday, that would likely get even worse. As such good on the Biden administration for delivering fairer pay in dangerous conditions for these drivers.


Hahaha Benefits Gig Workers Sayyy Whaaa?
It's about shaking Down Workers for More Pennies with Taxes 😐
You have Tax Benefits and Deductions as a Self Employed Worker while as a Payroll Employee You get no Breaks
