Has the Law of Moses changed because of the work of Christ?

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Has the Law of Moses changed because of the work of Christ? David Wilber, a pronomian (aka Hebrew Roots, Torah-observant) Christian teacher says "Absolutely not!" I say, "Are you sure?"

Welcome to the latest installment in a sort of a slow-motion, post-debate conversation. A few weeks ago, I debated with my friend David Wilber on the issue of the Sabbath. Later, I put out a teaching that expounded on one of the points I'd made during the debate. David saw that video and responded with his own video. (Links to all these videos are below.) In this video, I rebut his rebuttal and provide New Testament support for at least 4.5 changes to the Law of Moses. It's a Bible study, apologetics style! May Scripture be the judge.

In Matt 5:18, Jesus says, "For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished." My argument is that things have already passed from the law and, therefore, this verse is not saying the law will remain unchanged "until heaven and earth pass away," but rather "until all is accomplished." And all was accomplished by Christ.


The original debate between David and Rob "Are Christians Required to Keep Sabbath"

My post-debate teaching that expounds on one of the points I made during the debate: "Matthew 5:18 Passing from the Law"

David Wilber responded to my teaching in this video: "Matthew 5:18 and the Torah: A Response to R. L. Solberg"

00:00 Open
00:34 Introduction
01:04 Recap of the original argument about Matthew 5:18
04:11 We need to have a talk about scholarship
06:31 Let's get into those four changes David challenged
07:10 CHANGE #1: Sin offerings
08:47 Pausing to understand Hebrews 10:28
11:16 Pausing to understand Hebrews 8:4
13:57 The apostles kept Torah after the Resurrection?
15:51 David makes a surprising admission
17:17 CHANGE #2: Circumcision
20:35 CHANGE #3: The Priesthood
21:57 Different laws for the heavenly and earthly priesthood?
24:35 Hebrews 7:12 shows the Law has changed
25:23 David's scholar disagrees with him
27:32 CHANGE #4: The Temple Veil
29:13 Which veil was torn?
30:19 This was a command that could be kept, but God tore it down
32:15 Wrap it up, Solberg
32:32 One more change in the Law
33:11 Solberg's final summary

Subtítulos disponibles en español
¿Ha cambiado la Ley de Moisés a causa de la obra de Cristo? David Wilber, un maestro cristiano pronomiano (también conocido como raíces hebreas, observante de la Torá) dice "¡Absolutamente no!" Yo digo: "¿Estás seguro?"

Bienvenidos a la última entrega de una especie de conversación posterior al debate en cámara lenta. Hace unas semanas, debatí con mi amigo David Wilber sobre el tema del sábado. Más tarde, publiqué una enseñanza que exponía uno de los puntos que había planteado durante el debate. David vio ese video y respondió con su propio video. (Los enlaces a todos estos videos se encuentran a continuación). En este video, refuto su refutación y brindo apoyo del Nuevo Testamento para al menos 4.5 cambios a la Ley de Moisés. ¡Es un estudio bíblico, estilo apologético! Que la Escritura sea el juez.

En Mateo 5:18, Jesús dice: "Porque de cierto os digo que hasta que pasen el cielo y la tierra, ni una jota ni una tilde pasará de la ley, hasta que todo se haya cumplido". Mi argumento es que las cosas ya pasaron de la ley y, por lo tanto, este versículo no dice que la ley permanecerá sin cambios "hasta que pasen el cielo y la tierra", sino "hasta que todo se haya cumplido". Y todo fue realizado por Cristo.

Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity

Prof. Solberg's Blog
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So when I came to the faith, I was immediately brought into a Hebrew roots Christian congregation. They weren't cult-y and their teachings were very thoughtful. The community was super friendly and caring so I really considered their theology to be solid. Plus, given the testimony of the people in the congregation, studying Torah gave them a deeper understanding of God and having done that for the past two years I would say that studying the Torah and Messianic Jewish teachings have been a huge spiritual blessing.

That being said, I've always felt like there was something off. Not seriously so, but enough to make me doubt the walk. Although having converted at 30, mainstream Christianity didn't seem right either and all of that confusion stems from not understanding the expectations God had of me in my Christian walk.

Of course we're saved by grace alone, but we're also told to *work* out our salvation with fear and trembling so I can thank you enough for breaking this subject down and helping me to have to certainty of the application of the Law of God in my life to the level of being able to defend my choice to abstain from pork without feeling like I'm failing God by not adhering to every Mosaic command I can.

This really has been a blessing and I sent it to a friend of mine who has also been having doubts about the Torah walk, it has felt lacking in grace to us both at many times.

I praise God for His perfect work and thank you for your well-articulated teachings! 🙌🏻


Someone should make a fridge magnet with the saying: "read the next verse", it would help a lot in my opinion.
Thank you for this presentation, very clear and straight to the point.


I also agree a few things as I listen to you.
Dang ... David can go SO fast! I have watched him for a while. I do believe that his mind is probably in top 0.01% of smarts. I am sure he is brilliant.
He does (David) make a point, quote a scholar and then assumes the argument is closed and moves on.
You (Rob) are very opposite in the way you present. You are methodical, detailed, and in a more global (bigger picture) kind of way. I like the way you say something like "let's unpack this scripture" then proceed to do exactly that.
I also admire your (Rob) mental prowess, and I've said that before. Your depth of knowledge into the our Holy Bible inspires me and makes me thirst for more.

This was a great teaching and if there was still a little sway in me toward the Torah followers, you yanked me back to where my heart knows that I need to be.

Thank you for your ongoing work on the behalf of your fellow men.


When someone is arguing on the side of truth they are usually calm and confident. A false teacher has to pull out all the stops just to try and bring enough confusion they must just convince themselves. Keep up the class act Rob💙


Brother Rob, thank you for this channel and for your book "Torahism". I believe the Lord has sovereignly lead me to your material, and these resources have greatly helped me to understand Hebrew Roots theology, matters of conscience with celebrating the feasts, and brotherly love regarding disputation. I thank the Lord for your material, keep fighting the good fight and contending for the faith of God's elect!


Rob, watching this again for the
"quite a fewth" time. Really appreciate your ministry as i pray for my friends taken in by the roots movement.
On the subject of the curtains, i would say it's more than just trying to shift the argument because that curtain represented Christs body broken for us. That can't just be shifted around to fit what someone is espousing. It reminds me of other arguments from their teachers trying to fit their view at any cost.


The law regarding circumcision never had anything to do with eternal salvation anyway. It was only a sign of the covenant regarding land inheritance made with Abraham. This is why I believe Paul says it doesn’t matter.


Wow, the way David can explain away the vail being torn by God as being so insignificant is so miserably sad and scary for him. Paul Warned believers in Galatians to continue in the spirit and not to revert back to the works of the law.


Im starting to lose all sympathy for those who cannot rightly divide. God sends the delusuon. You cannot argue with a fool. If righteousness comes by the Law then Christ died in Vain. Love one another, but love enough to correct. Its very tiresome in this day of heresy. But, it wasnt like we werent told it would increase.


Well it's very nice to see a genteel debate with much less of the usual polite yet disrespectful snide personal remarks about the other person that I have seen in other videos. Thank you, I believe these kinds of debates, iron sharpening iron, rather respectfully, are very good for the walk in the faith. I disagree with your conclusions based upon how we read the text, but it was a nice watch just the same.


I’m so glad you brought up scholarship. During the debate, I was thinking the same thing. Scholarship is not something to go to the bank on. Not all scholars are correct in their thinking/beliefs. I can think of plenty of “biblical scholars” who would completely disagree with the scholars mentioned by David. Scripture itself is the authority, not scholars.


Excellent video! Loved the Original debate also. David seems fixated with the opinions of men more than scripture. As you pointed out the title of Scholar does not necessarily mean correct. I have dealt with this ideologue mentality myself of all places debating on twitter with SDA's. In this circumstance you can't keep one foot in the old testament and one foot in the new testament. There was a change, you point this out perfectly repeatedly. We should always seek the scriptures for Truth and not stay hung up on our idea of what that truth should be. I think some of this problem stems from people not reading their Bible straight through, I see that so much when people will post on twitter their daily Bible study, I don't see them reading an entire book but rather skipping around to maybe a chapter here and a few verses there. How does one get the context of what the author is trying to say by chopping up the text so? This is where false doctrines creep in. I could go on in great length about this topic but will wrap it up here 😏. Love your channel I have watched all of your videos, some more than just a couple times. You have a heart for Truth and it comes through loud and clear. God Bless you and your family 🙏


Good job decimating the arguments in a calm and completely straight forward and easy way to understand using clear scripture.


Q: how can he be a “brother in Christ” if he teaches another gospel? Doesn’t Galatians say anyone with a different gospel is accursed? And Paul also says that those who cause division are to be marked and avoided?


I think that verse is extraordinarily clear. The use of hyperbole is very common in scripture, thus "until Heaven and Earth pass away" is used. The line "until all is accomplished" is also crystal clear. The 2nd coming hasn't happened as well as a lot of other prophecy so the Law remains in effect for those who want to follow it....just as Jesus did :)


Clear as mud.
Jesus said in your reference of Luke 24:44 "...all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me."
The "all things" that Jesus is referring to are exactly what he said, the things written concerning Him. (E.g. Isaiah 53 et al)
Not the whole law of God, not all of the psalms, not all of the prophets.
Has the Ezekiel 38-39 war happened yet? Has the future Ezekiel temple been built yet?
I think you get the point.
At least you seem nice in all your videos. But I'm sure the serpent seemed appealing and kind and intelligent and right also.
This in no way made the serpent right, only that he had a subtle plan and knew how to bring it about with his victims.
I hope you are not such as this, but just misdirected from a presupposed doctrine that you fit the Bible into like you speak of other movements or religions doing. This is understandable since you seem to like the corrupt ESV.


There is so much confusion because people do not understand the Old testament scriptures Isaiah 42:21 says Jesus Christ will magnify the law


I would assert that the Sabbath still stands but I would not have taken the approach that there are NO changes in the Mosaic law under the New Covenant. Here is the major problem within the HR movement, many don't understand that there IS a change in the law with the New Covenant! Those changes come about, out of necessisty, with the change of the priesthood. So, the Levitical laws, the temple services, and the sacrificial system have all been fulfilled with the change of the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. I would agree with you Rob on these changes and Hebrews spells that out for us. I also like that you brought up Hebrews 10:26-31, but I would like to break those verses down some. Verse 26 state that if we sin willfully after we received the knowledge of the truth that there remains no longer a sacrifice for sins. We must ask ourselves what is truth? The biblical definition of truth is found in Ps. 119:142 and 151. These verses tell us that God's laws and His commandments are truth. We will be judged by them if we willfully break His commandments. I would also agree that under the New Covenant it is worse! Under the old covenant anyone who rejected Moses could be condemned to death by the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses. Verse 29 tells us it is worse for us if we trample the Son of God underfoot counting the blood of the covenant by which we are sanctified as a common thing and insult the spirit of grace. Grace is only given to those who choose to walk in obedience to God's law(Ps. 103:17, 18.) You do not do this without Christ and you do not need grace if you don't want to walk in obedience. Grace is given as we learn to walk within God's righteous laws. 1 John 3:7 tells us we PRACTICE righteousness. Righteousness is found in Ps. 119:172, all of God's commandments are righteousness.

It is the 10 commandments that remain in BOTH the old and new covenants. These 10 commandments are God's moral law. Under the Old Covenant, the commandments were written on stone, because of their hearts, they did not want to obey. Under the New Covenant, the commandments are written on our hearts. We do them because we love Him, not for salvation! God has always wanted obedinence, but out of our love for Him. The sabbath was given to mankind before there ever was a nation of Israel. The Sabbath was given to man at creation. Jesus said that the sabbath was made for man(mankind) not just Jews or Israel, and He claimed to be Lord of the Sabbath! I can even show you that He rose during the night of the Sabbath, not on the first day of the week, through a breakdown of the Gospel accounts but that would take too long in this post.

It is the Sabbath that points us to Christ. Sunday, while I am not against anyone meeting on that day, is not the new Christian sabbath. It is NOT the "Lord's Day" as that term came from the Catholic Church. We do not keep a "sabbath principle" by choosing whatever day we want to set apart either. God is the one who chose the 7th day and blessed it and set it apart. He even tells us WHY in the commandment itself, "For in six days God created the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in it. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it." We cannot undo what God has done. This is why Christ kept the Sabbath and calls Himself the Lord of it. He tells us to follow Him as He has followed His Father in John 15:10.

There is a lot of early church history of the first century believers all keeping the biblical sabbath and the feast days. This began to change shortly after the first century as Christians started to distance themselves from anything "Jewish" This is where the separation begins. The sabbath and the feasts of the LORD are NOT "Jewish, " they are God's ways! We consider them as being only for Israel because of this separation that began shortly after the first century. A careful reading of the book of Acts will show you that the disciples and the Apostle Paul were continuing to meet on the Sabbath day and keeping the set apart times. They didn't do this just because they were Jewish and that was their custom. They did it because Jesus did not come to change these things and He kept them also, as an example to us! We are to walk as He walked if we are His followers.

We find our rest in Christ. Creation week shows us this. There are 6 days(or 6, 000 years) for man and then we enter into the Sabbath rest or millenial reign. This is a shadow picture and it is why the Sabbath is important. This is what Hebrews 4 is showing us. All thoughout the scriptures we find God asserting that the Sabbath is His! The 7th day Sabbath is the LORD's day! He set it apart and told us to remember it. Sadly, we have forgotten it or we make it about salvation. I do not put my salvation in ANY commandment as that would make Christ to have died in vain! I keep the Sabbath because I love Him and He said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." We should ALL want to do this. We all agree that sin is the trangression of the law. The law's only purpose is the show you what sin is. So, breaking this day IS a sin and if Jesus is your messiah, you should follow Him and no longer want to just walk away from this commandment. It is through Christ we begin to walk within the law. You cannot walk out God's righteous laws without Him! Once you accept Him as your Messiah, He puts His Spirit in you and He changes your desires from one who walks in disobedience to one who wants to walk in obedience. Keeping the Sabbath shows that Christ is the one that is leading you. It is the evidence of your faith in Him. I don't earn any merit, it does not make me better, and I would never want to throw it in anyone's face. Please Rob reconsider this one. I really would like to have some dialog with you.

Blessings, Ray


It is my understanding that the Talmud described two goats, one for sacrifice and one sent to Azazel or the wilderness. The priest would tie a scarlet thread to the goat for Azazel and cut a piece of the thread off and tack it to the temple door. It would turn white indicating that Yah had accepted the sacrifice for the people's sins. According to the Talmud 'scholars'/rabbis, the thread never turned white after Jesus crucifixion. This would also signal an end to the animal sacrifice prior to the destruction of the temple.


Very nice Rob.. Truth Wins!! No matter what type of argument I hear from the Hebrew roots movement, I come away from it feeling like I’ve been swindled… Absolutely false teaching all the way. It’s got to be a Cult.
