Konstantin Samoilov - Russia's Economy Shows Signs of Strain and Fragility as Fuel Inflation Bites

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Welcome to the third of our monthly conversations with Konstantin, who is one of the most respected voices on YouTube about what is happening Inside Russia.

Konstantin Samoilov is a well-known YouTuber whose channel ‘Inside Russia’ comments insightfully on Russia’s decent into authoritarianism over the last few years. But now, like many others, he’s outside Russia, with no idea of when he can return there.

Hi Jonathan and Konstantin, 2 of my favourite YouTubers. I really love your economy updates, its sort of like extra ammunition for Ukraine. Thankyou so much for keeping us updated!


Great to hear Konstantine again! Few can discus complex issues so effectively with few words using such simple, revealing, examples


Round about a year ago, I talked to an engineer of a company that builds oil drilling equipment. They have sold a lot of really advanced equipment to Russia, things that send constantly data home, so they can look for problems and prearrange repairs. After the beginning of the war, the company cancelled all contracts with Russia, but they are still receiving the data.
The engineer told me that the data suggests that the Russians stopped all maintenance on the systems, even the maintenance that didn't require western spare parts, and only shut them down for repair. He concluded that in around one year the machinery will be damaged beyond repair a start to fall apart.
If we assume that all the Russian oil industry follows the same pattern, the cut of oil and Diesel export may be a sign of the breakdown of the oil industry and not a deliberate action.


Watched down to earth Konstatin daily since his 1st one, an economist, tempered with a razor wit, he analyzes Russia like few do. Thanks !


The most used words in Russia are: ' and then it got worse'.


From a French-Canadian follower...I appreciate your cool but informative point of view on the situation In your Homeland. Intelligent and useful discussions on complex issues. Great work !!!


I really respect Konstantin and his views-thanks so much for having him on your channel as a monthly guest!


As an American of Polish parents, people like Konstantin give me some hope for the future of Russia, but people like Konstantin will not gain traction in Russia unless Russia and Russians are forced to face a total humiliating defeat in Ukraine. Without that precondition, nothing will change for the better in Russia.


If it wasn't for Konstantin I think I would have fallen into the racist trap of believing all Russians must be bad. And why is Konstantin good? Not because he says things I might agree with, but because he's rational, compassionate, and present.


Thank you gentlemen 😊👍🏻🙌🏻!
Much appreciation for your continued dedication to keeping us updated and thinking 😎💛💙


Awesome post, Konstatin is a very intelligent man. Best podcast I have seen here that explains everything that we have not really known about, I really enjoyed the detail of it all.


enjoyed thanks, Konstanin gives an overview from an experienced observer of the workings of Russia firsthand. Arguably the first symptoms of Russian government heading towards its inevitable demise was by its unwarranted and unnecessary invasion of its neighbouring state of Ukraine


Konstantin’s Crimea story was hilarious 😂. Great interview!


Thank You Konstantin and Jonathan .. Great Stream as Always 😎


Great guest. Could you ask him to sing next time please? He likes it, and it makes everyone happier. Good work. Should be on TV.


Yes, you are probably right. Russia has wrecked relations with Ukraine for generations. Just as Germany did for those of us whose families "lost" loved ones in WW2 (ie 3 killed and 1 imprisoned in my 1 family alone). Only today, my brother and I agreed totally on that - both in our eighties. Whatever common sense tells you, feelings nare not eradicated - ever. I am very fearful for my half Russian little grandson as a result. Russia has brought utter shame and damnation on the nation. Jane Soole, Dorset, England.


Thank you. Dark humour is appropriate in a dark place.


When I first checked the length of the video I thought it would be too long to watch, didn't know if I wanted to spend that much time watching it. But guess what, I started it and before I knew it, it was done! I always enjoy listening to Kostantin's view point. His a brief exposure to the Soviet system when he was young gives him excellent insights when comparing the USSR and the curent Russain Federation, and where it may be headed.


I love this guy. He’s smart, pragmatic & has an accurate knowledge of the culture.


Went to Moscow and Leningrad as a student in 1976. Remember every interaction was an economic transaction. Paid to get in and out of the hotel as little babushka kept doors locked. Hounded by people who wanted to buy my jeans. Watched the police beat a man to a bloody pulp for stealing a friend of mine’s chewing gum. The most capitalist, grasping people I have ever encountered. Turned me into an economic conservative.
