What are bonus shares?

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The video shows up the ignorance about Bonus shares. It shows the absolute immaturity of the people, who have uploaded this video.
Bonus is issued by a Company to all the share holders, based on their good performance.
When the Company after meeting all the expenses have profit in their Balance Sheet in each particular calendar year, the Co. Will issue a certain percentage as say 20℅ to 50 ℅ as dividend of th profit to the equity shareholders on the Par value of the shares issued by the Co. (Say if Rs 10/- is the paid up value issued by the co. then if co. declare a dividend of 100℅ ie. Rs10/- per share is distributed from profit of the co.) . This is called Dividend which shows how healthy is the co in that calendar year.
BONUS is issued by the Co. When the Co. Management is assured of the Co.'s consistent performance over the past few years, as well, immediate future growth of the co. The co. Rewards the loyal shareholders who held the shares for a long time by issuing Bonus Shares free of cost to them. (Say if one holds 100 shares he will get additional 100 shares free), ie. One who is owning 100 shares will be owner of the co. for 200 shares!. When the co. Decided to issue 1:1 as Bonus.
Hence here as paid up value is Rs 10/- per share × 100 shares held = Rs1000, become 200nos × 10/-paid up = Rs2000/-.
All well established Co.s issue Bonus every 2 years, or more, based on their Total Reserves and paid up capital of the co.


This is called Share Split not bouns share


Are you talking about split here ? Where value remains the same? If i own 10 shares at Rs 10..total value is 100.. average holding value is 10...now I get 10 shares as bonus ..total shares 20 .. investment value is still 100 but avg holding value is 5 ... So market gain will be calculated on 5 and not 10..


Guys they are actually correct. But there's a thin line difference inbetween bonus and split.


shares ka bonus mile ya split ho price ussi hisab se Kam ho jaata hai 👍🏻


Bhai bonus aur split me fark hota hai apne split samajhaya


financial knowledge dene se phele kud kch pdlo split or bonus share ka difference mtlb kch bhi Bhai katora lekr bheek mang le aise gatiya knowledge dene se bdiya


What is the difference between bonus share & share split ?


bonus issue ke chakkar me stock ki dhulai ho jati hai .


This sounds like a split and not a bonus


Bonu share aur split me difference hota hai 😂


Shares bonus de ya na de par Apple split hogaya..😂


Sir mere pass Astral k 2 stocks tha per price 1631 & wo 15% profit main tha, but after 3:1 bonus issue uska price 1370 hogaya aur mera 15% profit 10% loss main convert hogaya... Ye kyun hua, kya wo loss main hi rahega ya kya hoga please reply sir, I'm a student and new in stock market 😢
