Choose the Right Course to Study in Malaysia that has High Job Demand & Salary

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We know that choosing a course to study after SPM or O-Levels can be overwhelming. When choosing the right course to study in Malaysia, one important criteria that students should look at is the job demand. Choosing to study a course that has future potential high job demand and salary would ensure that you have a higher chance of a successful career that would support your lifestyle goals.

Part of finding the right career in Malaysia for you will be looking at the future job demand in Malaysia and globally. You don’t want to have completed a degree course and then not be able to find a job or realise that the job pays very low salary. Therefore, it is important for students after high school or Pre-University to choose the right course to study – you don’t want to waste your time and money on a course you don’t want to do (or end up dropping out of).

Many students make the mistake of listening to advise from relatives or friends without checking if the information is true or not. In addition, they just follow their friends to study a course or university without much consideration.

If you don’t plan carefully, you may end up studying a course that has no job demand after you graduate. This would be an incredible waste of your time and money.

Some students enter college or university knowing what job they want to pursue and choose the course based on that career objective. Others don't have a clear career path and study a subject that will give them the skills they need to pursue a variety of jobs.

We're about to get to how to choosing the best course, but think about this, first:

Will I get a job after I graduate with the degree that I chose?
Will the job be around after I graduate or after 10 years?
What college or university should I go to?
What career should I choose?
What degree should I get that I’ll be happy with 10, 20, and 50 years from now?

There are many factors in determining which course is best for you. You will need to take time and effort to research, think and evaluate which one that would suit you. There is no special formula in choosing the right course, it is a process in understanding yourself and your life goals.

We live in a time of unrelenting technological progress and innovation. Artificial intelligence and automation are changing the game right now, and it’ll only be more so in the future.

75 million job roles are expected to disappear by 2022 according to the “Future of Jobs Report 2018” by the World Economic Forum and another 133 million roles are expected to emerge. In addition, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), artificial intelligence (AI), innovation, automation, Internet of Things (IOT) and other technological advancement would impact all industries. The Industry 4.0 will change the kinds of jobs needed across all market sectors.

In other words, will you be able to easily and readily find employment in a related field after you earn the degree?  You don't want to choose a course and then find out upon graduation that the job has been replaced by a robot! Find out what the job outlook is for the career you are considering.