Engelbert Humperdinck - Free as the Wind (with Lyrics)

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"Free as the Wind" by Engelbert Humperdinck
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Bringing back old memories, as a teenager, the film impressed me much...tks for sharing.


Thanks to the composer, lyrics writer, especially Engelbert Humperdinck, and all the people to achieve this beautiful & meaningful song !


I'm so grateful to my parents who inculcated in me the appreciation of great films as well as the heartfelt theme songs.


A collection film, among the great films of the last century, with a soundtrack to the extent ... always when there are special main themes from the films, there appear also lyrical versions like the one in the present video ... Engelbert has accustomed us (having an exceptional voice) with collectibles .... although I am old when others are grandparents, I think that when I am close to leaving this world, if I regret something, it is that I will not listen to many jewels musicals (of different musical genres) music being one of the hobbies of life, as well as anthology films such as "Papillon" .... RIP Steve ....


Free as the wind我從小開始聽 我已進入年老


當你望見活潑美麗的蝴蝶, 內心就會嚮往自由
當我望見活潑美麗的女人, 我的精蟲比我的內心更嚮往自由
德斯汀·荷夫曼飾演的角色, 代表婚後的人生, 最終 必須要滿足於被對方羈絆的家庭生活
史提夫·麥昆飾演的主角, 代表著 DNA 本身對原始自由的渴望與追求, 永不言敗 : Free as the wind You should be ~


this song took me my young age life was like 'free as the wind'but at this stage of life I just felt that way only----


If u wish to be as free as the wind, don't get married. Freedom will be lost if u did.


I've got a music box that plays this song.


Papillon wanted, needed to be free, no matter the sacrifice, dark solitary confinement wiil drive one insane, I know. Or death at the fortitude to be free. Papillon hardly knew he would be the most revered, beloved convict yearbing always To Be Free. ❤ Papillon should never be forgotten. forgotten. As a spirit queste shared from obe generation to the next....Steve McQueen brought life and body fir the world to believe and know Pappilion and I bless Steve McQueen for his incredible challenge. My heart is within both Papillon and Steve McQueen as I was imprisoned in the Sudan Gallows for a mere two years that was a lifetime. Steve McQueen and I share the same birthday, March 24. At 63 now and since my twenties as a soldier, Papillon and Steve McQueen who shared Papillon to the world, I am inexplicably abd forever Blessed with them in my heart to the day that I die. I am no longer afraid of death of so long because I feel I will meet them in the next Ife. Bless Papillon and Steve McQueen. Cam Choktaw.


"Hey you bastards, I'm still here"


the music made the movie that much better. one of my favorite movies of all


thank engelbert, for made this song. and thank god, we give music in the world.


Toi qui regardes la mer, tu es seul face à tes souvenirs et malgré tout ce bleu, tout ce vert, tu es triste à mourrir! Mais quand tu fermes les yeux un refrain qui vient du passé, fait valser des jours heureux avec des airs d'autrefois chaqu'un s'évade á sa façon, chaqu'un son rêve...Papillon! Toi qui regardes la mer, tu ne vois même plus horizon, tu voyages vingt ans en arriére, plus c'est loin, plus c'est bon! Paris existe toujours et quand vient le printemps l'on peut voir, les voyous flâner au tour des marroniers des boulevards.. les yeux fixés sur un gippon, c'était ton rêve...Papillon! Toi qui regardes la mer tu n'es plus qu'un pauvre homme accablé, écrasé par le poids du destin, par le poids du passé! Mais quand le soir tu t'en dors, en rêvant tu retournes la bas, te voilá dans ton décors, ton café, ton tabac, la libérté, avait du bon, c'était ton rêve...Papillon!


I guess this is the song of the millenium


No one can sing like our Engelbert; Awesome.


Yesterday's world is a dream
Like a river that runs through my mind
Made of fields and the white pebble stream
That I knew as a child

Butterfly wings in the sun
Taught me all that I needed to see
For they sang, sang to my heart
"Oh look at me, oh look at me"

"Free as the wind, free as the wind"
"That is the way you should be"

Love was the dream of my life
And I gave it the best I know how
So it always brings tears to my eyes
When I think of it now

Gone like the butterfly days
And the boy that I once used to be
But my heart still hears a voice
Tellin' me "look, look and you'll see"

"Free as the wind, free as the wind"
"That is the way you should be"

There's no regret that I feel
For the bittersweet taste of it all
If you love, there's a chance you may fly
If you fall, well you fall

Rather the butterfly's life
To have lived for a day and been free
For my heart still hears that voice
Tellin' me "look and you'll see"

"Free as the wind, free as the wind"
"That is the way you should be"

"Free as the wind, free as the wind"
"That is the way you should be"


This movie n song remind me how important freedom is


OMG, my favorite Goldsmith’s music, my forever voice Englbert H. And vid. Love this mix.