The Biggest Lie You’ve Ever Been Sold

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This deep dive into the film exposes how mental slavery, manipulation, and power still rule modern society, all under the guise of democracy and opportunity. Through the lens of *Jones Plantation*, we challenge the idea that slavery ever truly ended—or if it just evolved. If you're ready to question everything you thought you knew about control, power, and your own freedom, this is the conversation you need to be part of.

#FreedomIsALie #MindControl #ModernSlavery #JonesPlantation #WakeUp

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The truth won't set you free, , it'll just free you from the illusion of freedom.


Being the type of person who thinks deeply and watches videos like this constantly make me feel very lonely in this world of sheep. I don’t think I’m more intelligent than anyone but I do know that this life, this world, it’s incomprehensible and most think they have it all figured out. I have watched thousands of videos of this nature. One thing I’ve learned is that I know absolutely nothing. There is just so much to ponder, so many unknowns. Everyone has a different idea about reality, which one is correct? Nobody can say for sure. Perhaps only in death will any of us truly know. That is unless this is all that there is. In that case we will never know. The best we can do is try and live life in a way that makes you happy. Help others when you can but just do things your way and be yourself. Assuming you know who you even are. I’ve done a lot of psychedelics including 5meo-dmt. I’m telling you there’s more to this than we can imagine. I highly suggest having an ego death trip of your own. It’s things like that that make you think like this artificially aware cannel. It’s out of this world!


I hate that these companies give the white collar workers in the office the company card, to get catering from wherever they want, every other day.. yet, the physical laborers, grown ass men 40 and up, get a pizza party, once every 6 months.. and its Little Cesars.. of course.. and cold..



This is exactly what i think about all the time. Ive been caught up in the system my whole life. I see how it is a perpetuation of slavery. Especially here in the South


i made the comment about watching jones plantation like a month or 2 ago. im glad he's made a video about this topic. this is one of the biggest topics i been trying to tell a lot of people about because it's such a important and subtle topic. most people function as if they're "free" when really they never were to begin with. "none are so hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" one of my favorite quotes ever. it's a quote that's reflects today.


Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose


Instead of everybody telling everybody else to ( blindly ) vote — they should tell everybody to digest this video ; and we just might take a, single, step forward. 👍🏽


Peace is a lie, there is only pasion...Through passion, I gain strength...Through strength, I gain power...Through power, I gain victory...Through victory, my chains are broken


Freedoms = Free-Dumbs - Tony Bones (bars)


We reached out for the red pill in 1999, went to Zion but - here is the kicker - in truth we are still are in the cocoons.


Grapes of Wrath is extremely relevant, enjoy 😎


It's better to be proactive reactive. Shame too many people learn that lesson *FAR* too late! 😓


@ArtificiallyAware I went back to comment on your video regarding Autism that you posted in the last 24 hours (12/28/2024), but I cannot find it now.. just FYI, I really appreciated that video.


I just come here to be told “think about it”.


thx it was an amazing eyeopening movie, very satisfying experience and more like documentary than fiction


Free Will!!! That it's stlll believed in is unbelievable. It's no lie that being a slave to the rhythm is not a choice, nor choosing anything a choice. Embrace the slavery of determinism and destiny, amor fati, and you'll never feel you've been sold a pup again. Will to power watch this movie very soon.


Is this the first AI that will be cancelled? 😂 I saw the title and thumbnail and I had to click and comment


12:10 my strategy is simply leave the game! There's a lot of power in not letting someone else have power over you.

I've had this video's philosophy mindset for a couple years now. Awareness is the key to everything! Once you become aware that you're a slave you can slowly take the power back. Those people modifying cargo vans into homes traveling the country are the most free people in the world! They've made their decision to break away from the illusion entirely and live life under their own conditions!


As the famous Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm allready said in this german talkshow on loosly translated: "Concepts for a modern society" or "Concepts for tomorrows societies" from 1975, where he chillingly warns us about the course of the direction our western democratic societies took than and what state they are in now.
The modern human must have the ability of critical thinking, wich means alltogether
the human being must become a disappointed one and as a result he will become an indipendent thinker.

Its way better in german, because "to be disappointed" does not get the meaning quite right.

In german "enttäuscht sein" can and mostly would be translated with "to be dissappointed".
So while rightly translated, it also has some deeper meaning,
if you stick to the true meaning of the word itself, so that it gets more of a revealing:

The "ent" from "enttäuscht" is like "minus" or "without" and
the second part of the word "enttäuscht" so to speak: "täuscht" comes from the word "Täuschung" wich translates to "deception" or "delusion"
So to be able of critical thinking, you must not let yourself be deceived.

In general that guy was truely a great thinker.
Everything he warns about, what was wrong with our society back than and what the results will be, is exactly where we are now.
If only more people listened...

Here is the link for the mentioned talkshow:


why is moral values critisized. it will promote chaos in society and anarchy.
