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Hi Olive. I studied microbiology as a PhD scholar and used HeLa cell lines myself. In our busy schedule of reading text books and journal articles sometimes we miss gems like this. Thank you for bringing The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks on top of my TBR :)


Yes to this list!! Cleopatra, Brain on Fire, Say Nothing, Know My Name are all waiting patiently next to newer shinier books. 😊💙


I just finished listening to Catch and Kill. It really did have so much detail that I did not know before -- not just about how hard NBC tried to bury this story but also the connection between Matt Lauer's story and Weinstein. (Also the gruesome details about both men's crimes that were so sanitized in the news reports.)

I've wanted to read Know My Name, but I keep waiting to be in the right mental space to do so. I'm not sure what space that is, but it's so hard to start something you know will be heartbreaking.


I have so many books on my TBR list. And I do read primarily nonfiction. I have fifty books in my spare bedroom (mostly picked up in used bookstores) to read "next." When I finish one, I look at my pile to see what I'm in the mood to read next. So I seldom read books when everyone else is talking about them. But it works for me. I just finished Indian Givers by Jack Weatherford (written in 1988), and I absolutely loved it. I've never thought about keeping up with what everyone else is reading. Although maybe I should try it. I may be missing out. I want to read Brain on Fire and the Cheryl Strayed book you recommend. They weren't on my list earlier. I did read Wild when it first came out. Loved that one too. I'm glad I found your channel.


I've found that I often wait until the hype for stuff dies down to read it because I'm scared of being "overly critical" of something everyone loves. I ask a lot of written media, and will knock points off if I feel the writing isn't dynamic enough. Rating books lower because "The writing wasn't good enough, " is a good way to get your casual reader friends ready to fight you over The 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo lmao !!! But I refuse to lower my standards so I hold my tongue until the hype dies a bit and I can be a hater in peace.


😊 haha me too!!! Movies clothing styles food. I just do things in MY timing!!😂


Be gentle with yourself, dear Olive. I share that "rebellious teenager impulse" too.


Hi my friend, my 'reason' such as it is turns out that I purchase too many books! I 'treat' myself' to that one or this one and I add it to the pile by my chair and then tomorrow I get another or maybe 2-3 and they go on top of the pile and pretty soon there are two piles and the one I desperately wanted to read is on the bottom of the pile !!! Then I am seriously peeved with myself that I am the last person to actually read my 'treat' book !!! I am taking the month of December off and reading just the treat pile !!!! I am adding the Anthony Bourdain to the purchase pile today. I was delighted to say that other than that I had read all of the others that you listed.
AND AND AND thank you so much for telling everyone again about Henrietta Lacks. That book should be read by every woman. Every man who had a Mother and every person who goes to medical school or reads a newspaper. BTW the book was superior to the Oprah show by a zillion miles.


I loved this video idea! As a big NF reader I love hearing about some that are more backlist and might not be getting as much current attention!


The Radium Girls was such a devastating read!


I do this with a fiction a lot of the time. Every time you talk about Brain on Fire I get more interested in reading it.


I got Know my name bc of you. I do hope that the translation makes justice to the writing tough. I'm just preparing my heart for it bc it's a sensitivity subject for me and I also know that I'll end up either crying a lot or smashing things a lot, maybe both. Probably both.


Ok I'm here for the book talk, right? But girl, your eyeliner is fabulous! Also that lipstick, is perfect. And the Breton top rocks! 😘


Brain on Fire is definitely terrifying. There is a movie as well, I think. (I feel like I've seen a movie of it but can't remember for sure!). I didn't know she'd written anything else.


I bought Cleopatra from a book club I was in when it came out-still sitting on the shelf unread. Now, after listening to you, I feel the urge to grab it and read it. Sounds like a New Year start to me.


I’m currently rereading Cleopatra as part of my Nonfiction November reading! 😍


Kitchen Confidential is a great read, especially for anyone having worked or that does work in the restaurant/bar industry.


Do I need this temptation on Black Friday when I’m on a no buy for November 🤦🏽‍♀️


I think I just overestimate my capacity for reading all the books. The one reason I put off reading specific books is when they have a beautiful cover. I don't keep most books after I've read them, so if it's a pretty cover I don't want to let it go. 🙃


I find myself doing this also. If a book is catching a lot of hype, I’ll usually avoid it altogether. I think it’s like my inner snob thinking she’s not going to join in the mass hysteria over a book. Then when I do eventually read it, which I usually do, I mentally slap my head and realize what all the hype was about. Well deserved hype, I should add. Glad to know I’m not alone😊
