The Police - Canary in a Coalmine - Cover
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Wowza! The Police's Canary in a Coal Mine! This is a ska tune with Everly brothers harmonies. Sting usually stacked three or four vocals in his tunes, but this time it's just two. This is a really cover-able tune if two singers can sing this high.
These videos serve as lessons on how I play this bunch of Pop, Rock, and Reggae songs - sometimes as a single guitarist playing the only guitar part, though that's rare. And sometimes if there is more than one guitar part, then trying to find the single good path through the tune. I complete one pass, demonstrating different Rhythm parts, styles, and techniques. There is no talking. No discussion. No note-for-note explanations. As such, for clarity, my guitar is supposed to be louder in the mix than it would ever be in a live setting. But, if you really want to hear what I hear, do what I do and put on a good pair headphones with great bass response! It's worth it.
Why this is important to Rhythm Guitar:
It's relentless. Like so many Police songs, once the song begins you have to stay with it until the end. There are no ringing chords. It's all rhythm. All of it. Also, you really need two guitars to cover this territory. One for the riffs. One for the chords. I play what I would play if I were Andy Summers.
I'm not.
But I think he'd be happy with my effort here. It's pretty close, methinks.
#echohead #rhythmguitar #powerpop #policecanaryinacoalmineguitar
These videos serve as lessons on how I play this bunch of Pop, Rock, and Reggae songs - sometimes as a single guitarist playing the only guitar part, though that's rare. And sometimes if there is more than one guitar part, then trying to find the single good path through the tune. I complete one pass, demonstrating different Rhythm parts, styles, and techniques. There is no talking. No discussion. No note-for-note explanations. As such, for clarity, my guitar is supposed to be louder in the mix than it would ever be in a live setting. But, if you really want to hear what I hear, do what I do and put on a good pair headphones with great bass response! It's worth it.
Why this is important to Rhythm Guitar:
It's relentless. Like so many Police songs, once the song begins you have to stay with it until the end. There are no ringing chords. It's all rhythm. All of it. Also, you really need two guitars to cover this territory. One for the riffs. One for the chords. I play what I would play if I were Andy Summers.
I'm not.
But I think he'd be happy with my effort here. It's pretty close, methinks.
#echohead #rhythmguitar #powerpop #policecanaryinacoalmineguitar