How to Make Tic Tac Toe Game(Offline Mode) Android App? | GeeksforGeeks

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In this video, we're going to discuss how to create a Tic Tac Toe Game Project in Android using Java and XML. The Tic Tac Toe Game is based on a two-player game where each player chooses between X and O. Players play one move at a time simultaneously. In a move, a player can choose any position from a 3×3 grid. The goal here is to get three consecutive X or O in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction. Now, let's get started.

This video is contributed by Chaitanya Munje.

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Рекомендации по теме

please make people understand whole design or schema (which u are following in order to make app) first pictorially and than dive into coding so the viewer has idea that which part of schema is being coded at the time.That helps viewers to understand the functioning better, i know it will consume time but it will be beneficial for the people


Why in the description of the video is JAVA if it's really in Kotlin???


Very amazing and it is very helpful for me to understand things.


I want to know one thing is there any way to give the choice to the user to select 'O' or 'X' to start a game. I have already see many videos that is making player1 should have 'X' can we make it dynamic??


What is the use of gravity: center when you have already specified layout's height as wrap content at 2:12


sir plz make a video how to make smarter AI cause everytime i play with ai AI is loosing


Hiiii sir...
I just followed ur video of developing the tic tac toe game...but when I run the application it shows...tic tac toe keeps stopping sir...


in gravity u stated as center for the text tic tac toe but its top i have been confused as a noob pls change it bro


U have done mistake in pattern in cell ids 7& 8&8
Insted of this u have to right 7& 8 &9
