Time Manipulation in Magick (A Strange Rant on Illusions)

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A weird conversation about time manipulation in a magical or spiritual practice. Should I call this series "strange chats over tea"?

You can find all my personal links here:

Sanhre's Gateway Video:

An Occultist's Guide to Brainwave States:


00:00 intro
01:38 my first experience with time manipulation
04:04 cia gateway project
06:00 folklore considerations
06:27 memories and hypersigils
08:30 our perceptions of time in various brainwaves
10:59 linear time considerations
12:23 Einstein's theory of relativity and other thoughts
14:07 the goal of magick
14:40 additional visualization techniques
17:43 illusions
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Hey, friends! I talk about a lot of different things in this video so i encourage you to stay until the end! I just added timestamps for easier navigation. In this video, I discuss psychological time and our perceptions of time more than actual linear time. However, I also introduce time manipulation work the CIA has perfomed, I introduce Einstein's theory of relativity, hypersigils, various visualization techniques, and more! Hope you enjoy this slew of ruminations. I do not claim anything definitively when it comes to time. 🖤


Oooooh I can feel the floatyness. The way you speak and ur tone as if you are storytelling or singing. Its raw and real and beautiful. Thanks for the video Ivy. U a badass 😏


Years ago, I edited a booklet, a spiritual friend had written, and Einstein's theory of relativity was part of it. I had to wrap my head around that in a single night. To say it was intense is putting it mildly. 😂 So yes, I do believe time is an illusion and relative. I also spoke to a shaman in the US once online, in the early 2000s, and he told me he was driving on a 14-hour ride and had learned how to manipulate time. He got tired after 2.5 hours or so, tried it, and suddenly found himself at his destination. Checking his watch, he was only half an hour later from when he'd started the technique. I never tried it myself, the idea kind of went under in daily mayhem at the time, but I totally believe it's possible. ❤ and I loved the video with you just talking. I don’t give a monkey's brain about algorithms. They just unalive all true creative expression. So thank you for doing this and being so real and bringing such a super interesting topic on. 🎉❤


Video says it was posted 17 minutes ago and comments say 3 days ago, time manipulation spell success!!! 😂😂😂


This is high-level advice, wow! You're empowering us big time and I'm so grateful to have found your channel. Blessed seasons to you Ivy!


Fascinating video. Thank you for filming in your floaty space! 🖤 I just bought that Weaving Fate book a few weeks ago! I have seen a couple of Sanhre's gateway project videos. Will have to try that visualization next time I am running late.


I have come across many magic practitioners on the internet over the past decade and I've never resonated so much with someone's energy, ideas, thought process, personal magic practice, and interests as I have with you, Ivy - and I gained that insight before the end of this video, and this is the first of yours I've seen.

I began my magical practice with sigils and chaos magick through reading Grant Morrison comics (I also read Alan Moore's Promethea comics - a primer for the occult with Moore's Hermetic lineage, but I eventually felt ceremonial magic was too much for me, I prefer far more fluidity and less paraphernalia - more on that below).

It took many years of solitary practice before I realised I was intuitively creating my own magical practice, I describe it as animist magic or animist witchcraft (one of my teachers practices traditional British witchcraft and that essence is very much present in my practice), specifically, I use the term gloaming magic - but that's a subject for another day.

I relate to the introvert neurodivergent experiences you have. Did you find developing your psychic or clair abilities overwhelming because of that hypersensitivity?

Visualisation is my preferred practice and an innate skill I'm continuously learning about and developing. I've begun developing a systematised way to teach visualisation, meditation, and breathwork. I want to teach visualisation precisely because it is about exploring all the senses. My visualisations are constructed with scents, flavours, textures, temperatures, sounds, and images, not with the physical sense organs but conjured with the mind to construct elaborate mind-born worlds, to perform rituals in my mind, to work with deities, and when doing trance work. After what I call the 'generation' stage, my visualisations take on a life of their own so that I watch them like a film (but I'm also interacting) - I'm currently reading about Tantric Buddhist meditation and visualisation practices to gain more insight into what it is I'm doing.

I did not anticipate to write this much. I'm grateful to have come across you on the internet and look forward to exploring what it is you teach, your practices, and ideas.

- Mae


I found the book Illusions when I was 17, and it is one of my all-time favorite books. I've read it 100 times. Great ramble!!!


oh this couldntve been uploaded at a better time for me!! ive been wanting to make an enchanted ring recently that will make the hours go by faster whenever i wear it (to get me through work and stuff quicker), so to hear your thoughts on time magic is so perfect!!! wonderful video, love your channel ❤️❤️


Love me a good 20 minute ramble, and has now given me a new rabbit hole to get lost in…. 😂


Thank you for this video. I learn a lot from you and totally get you. Keep reaching for the stars! Blessed be always!


I’m still getting to know your channel, but this is one of my favorite videos of yours ❤


(Edited to apologize for the lengthy, unorganized comment that this became!)
I've been working with time manipulation using 'clock flowers' made into an annointing oil and into tea. I use them from time to time to quickly push me through unpleasant tasks like medical testing. I routinely use them in journeying and have had a good bit of success after some fine tuning.
I've not run into any creators or books talking about using these flowers for that purpose, so I'm not sure if anyone knows what I mean. I found this use for them after meditatation and dialogue with the plant spirits. I was told by 4 different varieties of them that altering time is their gift to us!
I have to interject a thank you here because I finally felt validated in that practice after coming across your video discussing connecting to plant spirits some time ago! Prior to seeing that, I was allowing other people's perceptions of what is 'normal' to color my judgement and practice. While I find so much value and wisdom in your videos, that was the video that allowed me to finally trust my intuition and beliefs fully and to run wild and free in my practice! 💓
I'm wondering if a lot of us experience that loss of time that leads to it being far later than expected? I experience it frequently while driving or engaged in a repetitive activity like gardening or manually sanding a piece of furniture. I'll start at noon and all of a sudden it's 5, but I've done nothing consciously to make that happen. I do know that I change flow states, like you mentioned happening to you while doing massage therapy, but I've just assumed it's like entering a meditative state. 🤔
I found the CIA declassified info last year and have moved on to working on the remote viewing section of it now. It's just fascinating!
I started with the section on pain control using their visualization grid and specific numerical code. It's been a game changer for me! While critics will call my total erasure of severe migraine pain after using it psychosomatic, as someone who has tried every medication, diet modification, herb, Reiki, hypnotherapy, meditation, etc, with little or no success, I can tell everyone that it's absolutely real & provides amazing results! My 20 year old daughter also uses the technique with success.I need to go check Sanhre's video and reread the meditation portion now!
Thank you for this video! I have so much to think about and experiment with now! Your videos tend to have that beneficial affect on me! Much Peace, Joy, and Abundance to you, Miss Ivy! 🙏🏻


10:40 You reminded me of that meme where it says, “How to Slow Down Time” and it shows a person doing a plank, but it’s an anatomical drawing showing all the musculature rather than the outside of the person’s body. The comment is, “Do I have to remove my skin first? Seems a little excessive.” 😂
This is a really fascinating and empowering topic. Nothing drives home the point that reality is malleable like that exercise you described doing on your way to the appointment.


It’s not just time but space. Many Native Americans could run 100 or more miles a night across desert. This video aligns with many of our “old Indian tricks”. ❤
I’d never heard of the Gateway stuff before, I’ll check it out, thank you.


Ivy, floating or normal your videos always having interesting, thought-provoking content.


I have been working on a lesson on ‘time magick’ for weeks now… such an interesting and complicated subject. This video, though rambling, was great 👍🏻


I've practiced time magic as well! Similar to you, I would try to get to places by a certain time despite running late. It has worked some times but not others. I've also tried getting things by a certain time by journaling that I have it at a future date. Again, that has worked at times and not worked other times. I've noticed that when it doesn't work, it's usually because I did not follow the "prompts" that my subconscious gave me to achieve what I wanted by that date. So it just reinforce the idea that we still have to do the work no matter what, of course.

One thing I've been meaning to experiment with is speeding up things I want to achieve by envisioning myself being able to do it in the very present moment. The way I see it, the fastest way to get anything is to get it now.


I just did this today intuitively! I didn’t even think to make it a practice 🤔


I read Illusions over 15 years ago as a teenager and it changed me as a person! I love that book❤
