Tips To Safely Enjoy Halloween Treats
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“Painless Dentistry” Says Mrs McDonald
That’s Dentistry On The Square’s Core Purpose
According to Dr Karve, 40 per cent of the western population are affected by dental fear. A survey in Australia showed that a person with severe dental anxiety waits 17 days on average before making an appointment, as opposed to three days for people without dental fears.
Dentistry On The Square understand this. Everything we stand for goes against the grain of this frightening statistic.
We offer cosmetic treatments such as clear braces, invisible braces, dental implants, veneers and teeth whitening.
Furthermore, we can handle all of your traditional dental requirements, such as check-ups, root canal and white fillings in an anxiety free environment.
Dentistry On The Square also utilise the latest dental technology combined with our PAIN FREE PROMISES to ensure you get the best possible dental experience.
Our claims are based on fact and proof from our patients and hence a justified expectation of the pain free results you can achieve. We are so convinced that you will feel no pain, we will refund your money if you do.