‘We want to be treated equally’: Actress Olivia Munn speaks about crimes against Asian-Americans

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Hollywood actress Olivia Munn has spoken out about violence against Asian-Americans across the country during the Covid-19 pandemic. The daughter of a mother from Vietnam of Chinese descent, Munn spent her formative years living in Japan where her father was in military service. Munn said the community in the US has been marginalised and that most Asian-Americans simply want to be treated equally. Her remarks came after an Asian-American woman was violently shoved by a man on the streets of New York. Police in the city have arrested a man in connection with the incident.

Video source: AP

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Brave girl. Speak the truth, tell what needs to be told. A nearly 20-fold increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans in NYC alone. Doesn't that bother anyone? Do we have to identify the perpetrators in public by their particulars? That's what they want?
