The Eighty Years War (The Dutch Revolt) Part 2

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Hello, wonderful people! This is part 2 of The Eighty Years War, if you haven’t seen part one there should be an annotation on screen right now and a link in the description. Anyway, I’ll be continuing at the end of part one. The years 1629 began the incline of The Eighty Years War. The Spanish force slowly running out of resources began slowly retreating from the Netherlands and giving many cities that they have previously captured back (pause) such as Breda and Utrecht. Seizing there opportunity, The Netherland launch an assault (pause) speeding the Spanish retreat. Around that time Swedish King and general Gustavus II Adolphus landed in Germany after finishing the Polish-Swedish war. From then on King Gustavus began a sort of invasion in Germany. This lead to the Battle of Lutzen which were fought with more than 20 thousand infantry, over 15 thousand calvary and nearly 90 guns. The battle ended with the defeat of the Roman Empire and The Catholic League but at the cost of King Gustavus’s life. The battle of Lutzen in a way launch the decline of The Eighty Years War. By 1640, The Netherland manage to capture all of their previous cities from the Spanish Empire and in the same years Portugal gain independent from the Spanish Empire. In the same years, Catalonia decided to revolt against the Spanish empire and in doing so (pause) allied with France.The year after that an Irish Rebellion started against the English Parliament. The Irish would succeed against the English Parliament due to the help of the Scottish. One year later, Frederick Hendry passed away giving the throne to his son and on the 31 of January 1618 a peace treaty was finally signed officially ending the Eighty Years War permanently. In the end, the Eighty Years War gave Northern Netherlands and Portugal independence which would significantly affect the future. If you're interested to know more about the Eighty Years War (pause) there some links in the description. If you have any suggestion then put it in the comment section! Thanks for watching!