The ULTIMATE Rapture Question Settles the Pretribulation Rapture Debate

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Most other videos on this topic discuss only similarities or differences, but there are three key issues that decide this question. Either these things are different and preclude the two from being the same, or things that are the same and mandate they are the same. Those three things decide the question. Watch this Nelson Walters video to find out.

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I used to be pre trib when I got saved. But as I continued to study scripture I don't see it being anything other than pre wrath. Of course this is one of those times I'd welcome being wrong if it ended up being pre trib.


Very well done Mr. Nelson Sir! Scripture interprets Scriptures, I’m Bless and humbled to be part of this community that totally creates stability in the midst of many False teaching and false hopes...


Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I personally believe in the Pre-Wrath Rapture but I'm prepared for a Post Tribulation Rapture, and I'm hoping for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.


I think the reason we are not told is because every day of our lives should be in preparation for our Lord’s return. It would be so easy to live a life that was self serving until the last moment before and then “spruce” ourselves up right before our gathering if we knew the day and hour. But our Lord has been gracious in giving us the season so we can bring others to faith.🤗


Such a great video - an explanation that I have never heard before and an explanation that needs to be taught globally. Why does it need to be taught - it makes our minds work and God wants us to use all that we have to seek his truth


It’s about time someone started preaching this correctly. It is refreshing to finally here another Christian specifically show that the rapture and the day of the Lord are one in the same. Love your channel! God bless you sir.


Thank you so much for bringing God's Word to us in this hour when we need it desperately. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly and guide you in this wonderful ministry of sharing His truth in these last days.

You are God's anointed servant and you are appreciated by so many!


He absolutely used an obscure translation to support his Theology. If you read the KJV, NKJV, NASB or not NIV it says he will send His angels to gather the elect "FROM" Heaven, and not "To, ". and it absolutely NEVER mentions the earth. If you watch the video closely, he uses two different translations of Matthew 24; he uses the correct version first that says "From Heaven, " and then he changes it to support his ultimate point that defies scripture.
Also, what about Revelation 3:10?

"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."
Revelation 3:10 KJV
Ask yourself, why would he use two different translations in the video? The answer is because he knows the original would contradict his theology. God allowed this mishap in order to reveal the truth.


Thanks for all your hard work abd sharing it (the bible) with us.
God bless you Nelson. 😇


We all gona pass through tribulation whether believers or unbelievers


I think it makes sense to teach all 3-4 positions and let the individuals make up their own mind, we will see who’s right when it happens


hey Nelson, in Rev 9 the scripture says

4 They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

so were is the church, the christian is seal with the Holy Spirit, the 144K were seaedl in chapter, but I don, t see anyone else sealed?


Thanks so much for putting this in context. I have kept hearing pastors teach that the Rapture is a comfort because we will escape tribulation, whereas the thrust of the 1 Thess passage is clearly comfort *in bereavement* and it's twisting it to use it as a timestamp.


Paul tells the Thessalonians the Day of the Lord has not passed them by, since the "apostasia" must come first, and the man of sin be it's clear from Scripture that the rapture does not occur prior to the apostasia. Additionally, Paul reminds the Thessalonians that they had this explained in the past if pre-trib was correct, why on earth would the Thessalonians be afraid? It makes zero sense in context.

Ireneus clearly stated the resurrection would not occur until AFTER antichrist

Chapter 35
For all these and other words were unquestionably spoken in reference to the resurrection of the just, which takes place after the coming of Antichrist, and the destruction of all nations under his rule; in [the times of] which [resurrection] the righteous shall reign in the earth

The pre-trib fallacy is eisegesis, wishing into the Word to fit a pre-conceived notion unproven by the Word, laced with circular reasoning with no basis in fact


Great video!
I dont understand how people even believe in the pretrib rapture while scripture itself speaks specifically against pre trib in 2thess2.
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for THAT day shall not come, EXCEPT there come a falling away FIRST, AND that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition"
It literally says it straight up. How can they just ignore that? Dont be deceived! Paul literally warns for this deceiving pre trib theory.
Pre tribbers seem to think they are some kind of special breed christians that wont have to face persecution based on the wrongly interpreted verse of 1 thess 5:9 "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ"
They just go like 'see no wrath so no great tribulation'. They just ignore that Gods wrath against his enemies is not the same thing as persecution from satan or the world against us christians.
Putting them under the same banner is like saying paul and all the other apostles who died by persecution died by God wrath, which ofcourse would be an insane thing to say.
The great tribulation us satans persecution against Gods people. That isnt the same thing as Gods wrath againsr his enemies.
So 1 thess 5 doesnt mean we wont face persecution, neither does it mean we wont face the great tribulation. It simply means we wont face Gods wrath.
In fact, Jesus himself promises us persecution. And so does Paul. If anything is promised to us its persecution. A slave is no more than its master.


These seem to be good points and statements regarding the rapture of the church, and really another important question regarding the Rapture is....”Why” ? Why have a rapture at all? It seems that “IF” the CHURCH (body of true believers) will be made to endure the Tribulation (any of it, mid way, pre-wrath, post, whatever part)... then I’m struggling with a few other verses making sense. Brother Nelson maybe you can help. As a member of the Church, I don’t see myself being in Judaea to flee to the mountains as Jesus instructed His disciples (also in Matthew 24:v16 ) is this talking about General Titus’s destruction in 70 AD?, probably not as verses go on to talk about pray it’s not in the winter, or sabbath day, v:20. Then v:21 mentions Great Tribulation like no other on the earth. Also just before, in Matt 16:17-19 says that He himself (Christ) will establish His Church from what Peter said of he (Jesus ) being the Christ the living son of God, and then Jesus says that the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it. V:18. Another question I have regarding this; are the Church, and the Saints the same group mentioned in Rev 13:7 it says that Satan makes war with them (the saints) and actually prevails (overcomes) them. Seems odd satan would prevail against the church at all after Jesus made that statement. Also, doesn’t even Evil countries who have embassies in other countries whom they are about to go to war with, don’t even they bring home their people and ambassadors before they start the war or the bombings begin... to get them Home safely (and not kill their own people/citizens)? Last question: As I read Rev 6, it’s actually Jesus opening the very first seal to start the Tribulation which unleashes the four horses of the apocalypse and the 1st rider (White horse) seems to be the anti-christ, correct?...and after these horses make their appearance over 25% of the earths population is killed, I struggle with why Jesus would turn Satan (incarnate) loose on His own Church (His Bride) to be beaten, and murdered, raped, abused, etc. isn’t. God the (Holy Spirit) in us? Didn’t Christ come a long way to rescue us from condemnation and His wrath (seems like all 7 years start and end with wrath).. Christ took an awful beating, scourging, crown of thorns, and that cross, those nails.. all that shame ..Wow! Why would He go through such agony pain and suffering to win us over and back, away from Satan and sin.. to only turn Satan and all the horrors of the Tribulation loose on us His Bride, even for one minute, and just before the wedding? So WHY have a rapture at all?.. I think because it’s (the rapture) more like the ultimate rescue as Christ our Bridegroom sweeps up His Bride (us the church) in the nick of time as our our all-around ultimate hero... and King!.. then allows to Satan to have his way with a Christ -rejecting world, and Those who are saved during this time will die for their faith, and then Christ’s 2nd coming (with His Church, and saints) we will watch as Christ puts down those who are trying to make a final attempt to wipe out the Jewish people.. and their “True Messiah “ ... He will fell all evil with just a word from His mouth.. and they will weep as they look upon him whom they have pierced ...(Zach 12:10) This is the Greatest romance and rescue story ever written.. and played out!Amen


Well Jesus Himself always and repeatedly promised to raise the dead believers on the last day. Every believer, dead or living, will be raptured on the last day: The dead will be resurrected then and the living will be changed, and all together will be raptured on the last day, not before. Thanks for this video, hope will confirm to the pre-tribbers that they should reconsider.


Thanx Nelson! As usual you leave no stone unturned!


Excellent video! I agree with you. Seems to be touching a sore point for many people. Two verses of scripture are hard to overcome if you want to believe pre-trib:
1 Thes. 4:15 "Indeed, we tell you this, on the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, WILL SURELY NOT PRECEDE those who have fallen asleep."
John 17:15 "I do not ask that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from the evil one."


I have not been a Christian for very long, so please excuse my ignorance. It just doesn't make much sense, why would people be raptured at the end of the tribulation, just to return straight back to Earth ? I don't want to get into long discussions about translations or Greek or Hebrew, just asking for a logical explanation. Aren't we PROMISED that we who believe will not see the Day of the Lord ? How do you guys see the order of events at the end of time ?
