Shanann Watts family denounces upcoming Lifetime movie

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Looking back now Oct. 2020 it makes me so sick and angry that this year we have had 2 Watts Documentaries and a movie on this case. Netflix comes out with their tapes, then lifetime and Reelz (Seeing there is still money to be made on this horrible tragedy) they put out there "Documentry" (cant use that word lose enough but thats what they call it) and their made for TV movie. The only use I see for Lifetime and Reelz creations is to be played in Chris Watts cell 24/7/365 just in case he has one moment of piece were he isnt thinking about how he killed his family. Chris how could you suffocate your own 2 little girls, 3 and 4 years old, singing songs about you being there hero? I cannot think of any possible way you could have let two of the most important people in your life... how you could have let them down more. Even if you hated your wife and even after you killed them and their new little brother. They may not ever speak to you again and your no doubt deserve it for taking their mom. You didn't give them an easy way out, you just made sure to take away everything they ever had. I hope if anyone EVER finds themselves in a position similar to yours, and someone has to die, i hope they end their own life first. Your a monster of the likes i never imagined existed. Rot In Pieces Chris Watts. I hope you see them when your taking your last breathes, and they are scared and still trying to get away from you in your imagined afterlife as your brain starts shutting down when you die in prison. They wouldnt forgive you in this life or the next


I would sue the creators. They'll butcher it like The Act.
