Reading Wrap Up | January 2020

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Books mentioned:

One by Sarah Crossan
Flame of Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier
White Rage by Carol Anderson
Blue Monday by Nikki French
What My Mother and I Don't Talk About edited by Michelle Filgate
Long Bright River by Liz Moore
Eloquent Rage by Brittney Cooper
I Was Their American Dream by Malaka Gharib
Becoming Unbecoming by Una
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward
This Was Our Pact by Ryan Andrews

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*I incorrectly say that Sarah Crossan is British. She is in fact Irish. Apologies for the error!


I love Liz Moore's novels and I couldn't wait for Long Bright River, bought it and read it in January, and absolutely loved it. So glad you did too. It was my favourite read of the month, along with Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane.


I loved Becoming Unbecoming by Una, I find a female perspective on the Yorkshire Ripper case very refreshing as it's so rare to see it in the media and the fact that Una focused on Tracy Browne who I think tends to be ignored largely when people focus on the case. The whole notion that Una links in with Browne, of young women and girls not being believed when reporting assaults, is a key point that needs to be featured more I think.


“Long Bright River” is at the top of my wish list, but apparently Danish libraries don’t carry Liz Moore’s books for some reason? The same goes for Janet Ellis who also has a new book out 😫 So I might break my book buying “ban” to get these two - damn! 😏


Totally agreed on the Hobb. I finally just finished Ship of Destiny and even though I've been spreading her books out and will take long breaks, they are just such guaranteed winners for me. Reading Tawny Man this year! I remember back when you were reading them all for the first time and I could not even process the pace you were reading them at haha. Love that they hold up on the re-read.


"Cozy crimes" LOL there's a phrase I don't think I've ever heard


I've had the same issue with fantasy after reading Robin Hobb. I hold her as the book to measure all others by and oftentimes it has led to disappointment.
I'll have to check out the Liz Moore.
My favourite book of January has to be Night Boat to Tangier by Kevin Barry. First read was a re-read of Don't Call Us Dead by Danez Smith.
Hope you find some new favourites in February. 👍


Great wrap up Mercedes! My first read of the month was either Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by TS Eliot or Almost Midnight by Rainbow Rowell (I finished them the same day) and my favorite was probably Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart 😀❤️📘


I immediately went and downloaded three of the books you've read! So excited to read Anderson, Cooper and Filgate. Thank you!


I had a great reading month in January as well. It’s nice to start off the year with getting a lot of books read!


I was really surprised to hear your thoughts on Becoming Unbecoming. That's one I've heard such raves about, and have really wanted to read myself. I still do, but it was interesting hearing a counter-perspective. I also read Long Bright River this month and was riveted by it. I think she does such a good job, especially with some of the familial twists, that I almost take for granted how expertly done the novel is. The Unseen World tugged at my heartstrings more, but Long Bright River was so compelling.


I'm so grateful that you actually describe the pacing and writing style (slow-paced? flowery or crisp prose? etc.) because that makes your reviews so helpful for figuring out if I'm going to like a book. I prefer a medium pace and crisp, non-distracting prose myself, but totally respect your taste. By the way, if you're looking for recommendations for beautiful, lyrical and slow-paced writing in the fantasy genre: check out Guy Gavriel Kay, e.g. Sailing to Sarantium or The Lions of Al-Rassan. (You might also like Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente, The Deep by Rivers Solomon, or Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake.)


I haven’t read any Sarah Crossan, I feel like I must. I’m very excited for the Carmen Maria Machado memoir. If excited is the right word. I really, REALLY, really need to read the Liz Moore. I would like to read more Jesmyn Ward and it sounds like there’s some brilliant bits to that book.


hey Mercy! on the topic of the Sevenwaters Series, I remember reading online that she only wanted to write the first three books but her publisher forced her hand into continuing the series since it was such a massive success - and books like Cybelle's Secret didn't sell as well...


Lovely wrap up. Very articulate as usual! I really need to get to Liz Moore.


I Was Their American Dream and Eloquent Rage both sound really good. Thanks for sharing them!


Amazing pile of books! I've only read the graphic novel -I was their American dream - which I really enjoyed. January IS depressing! Hope you're feeling a little better. Xx Sian xx


I'm having a rubbish reading year so far, and that's very strange for me. The winter blues have set in I believe ❄🇨🇦 I have to say you really suit the colors you wear ❤🤟


The first book I read this year was This is Going to Hurt - Adam Kay. A junior doctor's view of his working life in the NHS.


I love clicking to watch your videos, I just always know I'm going to enjoy hearing you talk about books. I actually picked up White Rage and What My Mother and I Don't Talk about. I haven't started White Rage actually but I thought I would be overwhelmed by the laws there because like you, I don't know their laws. Glad to hear you review it, it being so factual rather than a discussion piece definitely sounds like it will be something I struggle with but I'll still give it a chance.
I listened to What My Mother and I Don't Talk about instead of reading it and like you, it wasn't what I expected but I did enjoy it. Yeah, the last essay is a bit odd in comparison to everything that has been spoken about, I get why it was done, it's nice to round it off with someone who has a good relationship but I also thought it was just a bit annoying. I also found new writers I wanted to try. Kiese Laymon's essay was bloody brilliant and hard for me to listen to.
Eloquent Rage sounds like one I will be picking up, you've totally sold it to me. I definitely need to give Jesmyn Ward a read this year, I've watched various reviews of her different books and they all sound like something I'd like. The Silence of The Girls by Pat Barker was my first read this year! January sounds like it's been a great month for you, can't wait to see your February wrap up!
