First Love_Part 1_ Don't Let It Go Away

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This video reveals one of the most dramatic mistakes of our youth – we often neglect or even reject our First Love. At least we don’t try to preserve and develop her, although she is the most beautiful and heavenly love in our whole life…

This deep-minded love quote gives the explanation why we do it:
“First love is always unhappy, even when it is really happy. When the first love is happy, the person does not understand this, because it is the first one. He or she has nothing to compare her with.” Fazil Iskander

In this video you will also find 10 First Love Signs. If for the first time in your life you find these features in yourself, it means Her Majesty First Love has visited you!

As a relationship advice I wish you stick to the First Love and try your best to let she become your life-long love, because very high chances are that the brightest and soundest love than Fist One you’ll never find later on again in your life! Take care on this special God-sent person you have fallen in love with for the first time and try to never let him or her go away!
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