Sisters, Brothers, NEVER use this stuff! #shorts

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I didn't even know about this. Magical? What a joke, but nice that you are monitoring this. Always Brother Daniel ready and awake. May Allah protect and bless you. Ameen!


Love you Muslim Skeptic very knowledgeable and empowering Mashallah


It's frightening how easy sisters fall into these trendy forms of Shirk (Zodiac Signs, Stones, Crystals, etc.). Of course, some brothers can also be affected by it. However, mostly girls seem to be interested in this kind of stuff.


*لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ*


I haven’t seen people buying gem for healing and stuff but I’ve seen many People Among us Muslims wearing amulet in hope of security which sounds totally ridiculous. Really hope they realize it takes them straight to shirk


More Muslims really need to read kitab al-tawheed


Great message, Jazaka'Allah khairan


Thanks brother. I hope this is in response to the email i sent you.
Sadly, while this stuff is supposed to be very obvious, there is an insignificant number of Muslims who believe it or don't see it as shirk, and another portion that doesn't see shirk as being a big deal.

There are people who try to sell stones, astrology, horoscopes, and other shirk as Islamic in nature. It is important for all of us to warn brothers and sisters.


i have exam tomorrow inchaallah please pray for me


Ya Allah give us the right Ilm regarding these issues. Ameen


١- [عن أبي هريرة:] لا تقومُ السّاعةُ حتّى يرجِعَ ناسٌ مِن أُمَّتي إلى أوثانٍ كانوا يَعْبُدونها مِن دونِ اللهِ عَزَّ وجَلَّ.
البوصيري (ت ٨٤٠)، إتحاف الخيرة المهرة ٨‏/٩٩ • [فيه] موسى بن مطير وهو ضعيف


Very unfortunate that people believe in such things.

Great message 👍. God bless


Brother Daniel, you should make videos about New Age Spiritualism. This starting to become a plague, especially among the liberal-leaning Muslims who most likely to be young women and have interest in poetry and art (sometimes they are artist themselves).


I was on a course recently and we were encouraged to get a stone to keep with us to help ground us when we get stressed. I didn’t do it because it didn’t feel right to me, seemed like shirk 😬


Related to this, would be nice to see a video on what Daniel has to say on this Quantum mysticism nonsense (frequency, vibrations) seems to me like some sort of spiritual experience replacement for Liberalized women, but the Muslim Skeptic's insights would be invaluable :)


I like collecting gems and beautiful stones for the sake of collecting them cause they're beautiful...literally, but in school when I was wearing a red quarts necklace, one of my friends was like "OMG I LIKE THESE STUFF THEY HAVE HEALING PROPERTIES"...bruh
It actually surprised me..I was like: "Wait you believe in energy? It's not actually real..." and she was like: "Yeah I know but i still like them" (or something like that), and she told me that rose quarts is her favorite stone...rose quarts is indeed a beautiful stone, but unfortunately, they have no magical

And actually not only sisters, but a lot of guys does the same, but I guess they usually are Buddhist and atheists...or just people who doesn't care about associating things/others with God.


A few months ago I wanted to buy some jewelry (gold). I saw a bracelet with very nice blue stones. It was not an obvious amulet but I suspected it was something of that sort. So I double-checked with the shopkeeper. He was so much enraged that I asked about this and his attitude changed completely. I did not buy it and I checked at home on the internet. It turned out it was Sab3 3uyoon (translated into Seven eyes in English but not the Christianity Seven Eye I think). Yes, we must be very careful. Shirk is only one CARELESSNESS away from us.


If it was only that. I remember when I studied at Uni before graduating there were some Muslim sisters who would fool around with zodiac signs. I had to warn them several times that this prevents their prayers to be excepted for 40 days if the don’t believe in this. But they never stopped doing this idiocy as far as I recall.


Agreed!!!! As a Christian we refer this to as a form of blasphemy and false idol worship.


As someone who was a witch for many years before I reverted to Islam, studying to become a sheikha-equivalent in the religion (called a High Priestess), I concur-

Don't ever use these. These stones don't attract luck, goodness, love, or money. They don't "clean" negative energy or help you relax when you're anxious. This is shirk.

Honestly, this would fall under major shirk because you are attributing the perfect names of Allah, which only belong to Him, to His creation.

So if you think a gem will bring you money, then you are attributing Al-Razzaq (The Provider) to the stone because you believe it will give you rizq (provisions/ money).
