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Check out these mysterious discoveries made by accident! This top 10 list of strange and unexplained mysteries has some amazing archaeological recent findings from ancient history!

9. Mary Ann Hall's Brothel
Weren’t expecting this to start off a historical discoveries list, were you? Well, to be fair, this brothel was found by accident and more importantly than that, it actually has an important historical significance.
So, how was it discovered? Well, in 1997, the Smithsonian decided to do a study on some land in Washington DC that was going to be used to build the National Museum of the American Indian.

8. Terracotta Army
In 1974, not long after the Chinese New Year, farmer Yang Zhifa, his 5 brothers and friend who all worked together decided to dig a well to water the crops of the cooperative farm. After a couple of days of digging, the seven farmers hit what they thought was an old kiln.

7. Herculaneum
Most everyone knows the story of Pompeii, where the volcano known as Mount Vesuvius erupted in such a violent way that it destroyed the entire city, creating both a legend and a horror story all at once. Yet, that volcano also killed another city, one that wasn't "rediscovered" for many centuries, Herculaneum.

6. The Venus de Milo
Speaking of buried objects, let’s head to the Greek Island of Melos, where a couple of men were digging for antiques on an ancient ruin on the island. One of them named Yorgos Kentrotas was looking for marble for building blocks. As he continued to dig though, he discovered a part of a statue that is now known as the Venus De Milo.

5. Edinburgh Vaults
In 1788, under the South Bridge in Edinburgh, Scotland, a series of "vaults" were made. The South Bridge was known for its businesses, and under the bridge were the workshops of those businesses. However, under that were living quarters, if you can even call them that. Basically, it was a Caste system under a bridge. The lower you were, the lower you were in society's eyes.

4. Derinkuyu Underground City
From underground tunnels to a literal underground city, Turkey is known for having many of these. This happens specifically in the Cappadocia region of the country, and these cities were hand carved from the volcanic ash that lies within. One of the biggest and most famous of them all though is the Derinkuyu Underground City.

3. Mastodon Skeleton
The beautiful thing about archaeological discoveries is that you never know where you might find one!! This mastodon skeleton was found in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where a group of construction workers came across this big guy.

2. Lascaux Caves
You never know what you might find in a cave, but when a group of teenagers were playing around in 1940, they accidentally came across one of the greatest historical discoveries in history! The cave paintings of Lascaux

1. The Sea Scrolls
As the story goes, in 1947 a Bedouin shepherd went into some caves to look for a stray sheep. SInce it was so dark he threw a rock inside and was surprised to hear the sound of clay shattering. He had found the jars containing the sea scrolls. They took the scrolls to an antiquities dealer and word started to spread that some ancient documents of importance had been found.

Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!
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Bob Ross knew the secret to the world. Happy accidents uncover the best mysteries.


This is the best channel to learn new things.


im from greece, we have big history on us and im proud for it


Good video, Katrina...I learn something new everyday from this channel... Love it..Narrator has nice voice, too, by the way.👍👍👍


Hello Katrina...! I thoght you were to include in this list, Coyolxhauqui, the aztec godess of the moon. A big circular monolith representing a dismembered woman, it was found by accident by electrical company workers as they dug a hole while laying electrical power lines in México city, in 1978


Poor Chinese farmer. They deserve more credits.


6mins, tha dude that was supposed to be dead blinked lmao


There was some mammoth bones found when Lubbock was building a highway and I live here but sadly they didn’t find all of them I think there might be a video idk


I’ve seen The Venus de Milo at the Louvre like, 3 days ago. I just got home from Paris!


Hey I'm ur new sub I'm enjoyin this channel already


Numper 6 the footage is from island of Crete from minoa palace no from mylos island


The voynich manuscript i think bcoz as far as i know until now no one can translate this book.


Number 5 the guy playing dead blinded. I love your content keep it up.


I remember the mastodon story! Go Michigan!


I feel as though you can not possibly know the value or marketability of your voice. Flawless


Why didn't y'all bring up anything on the ancient Sumerians?


We're displaying the Dead Sea Scrolls right now at my work! (Denver Museum of Nature and Science)


I've been in the Edinburgh vaults


#5 "Murdered" guy blinks. 😂😂😂


Venus de milo had a habbit of biting her finger nails, her habbit took over and became a Therefore no arms!
