Is one of the most powerful NETBOOKS still worth it? Asus Eee PC 1215N.

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While smaller, more powerful laptops certainly existed, the Asus Eee PC 1215N with its Nvidia ION graphics was one of the most powerful NETBOOKS in 2010. So, is it still worth it today?

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I still have a soft spot for these type of machines. Cheap, portable and can get most jobs done, albeit very slowly. Dated now.


I swear to god this processor did emulation better when I was a kid. I even had an intel atom without a GPU and seemingly got Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask working as well as being able to record them with for a lets play with audio.


Fun review. I happened to pull my 1215N out of a bag today and wondered if I could still do something with it. This was such a dependable machine for me. Travelled all over China with me for a couple of years. As well as Toronto, Halifax, and Montreal. I was basically living out of a suitcase for 10 years. Buy an external monitor & keyboard in each city and off I went. Thanks for the fun review.


This was my dream netbook back in its hay day, thanks for revisiting it and bringing back old memories of those times 😊


Back in the day, most netbook users could only have dreamed of such performance. If this thing is a meh, what about single-core Atoms with just those integrated GMA potatoes? Yeah, never mind... Very nice video btw, you've earned a new subscriber!


I have the 1215B (AMD), I still use it for my graphics I do on CS paint and it's still awesome. I have an SSD and 8GB Ram, still can run some games very good.


I had a Pavilion DM1 back in 2011 that absolutely crushed this or any other netbook. Like: I played League of Legends with 30-40 fps (and the occasional drop), and even stuff like Fallout 3.
And that thing was like 11.6 inches, so still Netbook sized.

The magic was the integrated gpu, that was like 10x times faster than the equivalent on a potato Atom.
I think it was even a tad faster than the Nvidia Ion.
It sadly cooked itself on christmas of 2016. Rest in piece soldier.


Have one of these. I recommend testing this on Windows 8.1. It does a lot better in performance than on 7 and 10.


I had one of these. This is why I now have a Ryzen 3900x and a laptop with a Ryzen 4750u. As soon as I had enough cash to run away from these types of machines I did. I did recently encounter this style of machine with 32GB of EMMC trying to run Windows 10 which was....entertaining


The Netbook was the best thing the industry has created, why?
Powerful enough to let you do smart things: install an IDE and learn programming, install Linux for optimisation (SysAdmin learning), CyberSec, etc...
Too weak to let you do dumb things: play video games, watch YT videos one after another and so on.
The strongest point of the Netbooks was their limitations, you had to get into it (IT) to make them work and by doing so this little machines made a whole of a lot users become a superuser.
It's like elite schools/universities, the limitations set upon the students is what makes them work!


The reason you are having trouble with online video on that thing is because of the codecs used in modern video, H.265, AV-1 and the like. Modern codecs are very CPU intensive compared to MPEG-2. I bet you could watch ripped DVDs and possibly even Blu-rays without any issue.


Amazing video, thanks :-) I got a 1215N and lend it out to my mother like 8 years ago and now got it back (it was their backup laptop, last time used two years ago). I had to buy a new battery tho and was thinking of installing an SSD and upgrading to windows 10, but your video saved me a lot of trouble I guess. Thanks for that :-)


I wanted one of these back when i was a college student. Thanks for the retro review ❤


something is wrong with that netbook, back in 2010-2014 i had an hp mini 110 which is one of the old 32-bit atom ones with gma 950 and 1gb ram, and i played rigs of rods, roblox, minecraft, as well as running virtual machines and emulators with no issue. i seriously doubt that a high end model like this should struggle with gba emulation & basic 3d games, as i know for sure people were playing tf2, cs:source, and other more intensive games on them back in the day


I'm running one with Linux Mint 19 64bit and it's working fairly well. 8GB of Ram and SSD installed. Had it laying around since 2010 and I wanted to check it with Linux 😉


My parents found one in the attic it was the closest thing I’ve ever gotten to a laptop and always wanted one but didn’t have the money so now we just need to find a charger for one


There's a dual core ion version I saw at a computer store way back in the day which I wanted to buy but never did


Panasonic made a 10 incher (CF-J10) that was an absolute chonker, but still on Netbook size. The funny thing is that they slapped the same 35w Sandy Bridge that full sized laptops were running.
I cannot imagine the thermals and abysmal battery life of that thing, but boy it was overpowered.


I gotten this for 10 dollars in a yard sale. That why I look it up on Youtube.


Acer Aspire One 522 was the one to get, retained the standard 10" size but packed an AMD C50 or C60 and a 720p screen. Still have mine with 4gb ram and an SSD.
