TikToker Teaches You How To Beat A Traffic Ticket

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Watch: Unhinged CT Cop Assaults Auditor For The 2nd Time!

TikToker Trinity Jackson explained why asking for a court date could get you out of a traffic ticket. David Shuster breaks it down on Rebel HQ.

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Watch: *Unhinged CT Cop Assaults Auditor For The 2nd Time!*


In high school a friend of mine got a big ticket. His dad got a traffic lawyer. That lawyer asked that I come along. I did not understand but went and sat next to him. The cop could not identify the driver (I was not even in the car, but we're both about the same height/weight/hair color). Case dismissed. Pay the lawyer, no points, no fines.


Sometimes this works. Often times, Judges in traffic court issue "continuances" to allow an officer time to show up. The result is 2 or more visits to the courthouse. They are banking on your inability or desire to show up.


Most citizens cannot afford to take time off from work to fight a ticket and simply pay it off online, innocent or guilty.


Another trick: have a MAGA hat in your car. If a police officer stops you, put it on. They'll see that you're a fellow Trump supporter and let you go with just a warning while giving you a fist bump.


1) First appearance in court is to SET a trial date

2) Set a trial date as far in the future as you possibly can. Your car insurance will not go up during that time because you have not yet been found guilty. If you can, get a jury trial. (Jury trials for traffic citations are not available in all jurisdictions.)

3) Be prepared to argue your case in court. If you are an idiot, you'll lose. But if you are smart enough to be coherent and respectful, you stand a good chance of being acquitted. You will need to make a good argument, such as "ALL the traffic on that street exceeds the posted speed limit; if I had driven at the posted speed, I would have been an impediment to the flow of traffic and a danger to other drivers." Don't go into court unprepared.

4) Because you set the court date a long time into the future, there is a very good chance the cop will not turn up. But even if s/he does turn up, it will have been a long time since the ticket was issued. The cop will have issued many other tickets in the meantime. You will have a much better memory of the exact events than the cop will. Use that to your advantage.

I'm old, but have only gotten about 5 tickets in my lifetime. I just paid the first two, when I was young. When I was older and decided to fight the tickets, I have won all 3 of the other tickets. Once I successfully argued my case against the cop with facts and his lack of memory. The other two, the cop didn't show up.

I cannot stress enough, if you go to trial you must be prepared. Judges don't like stupidity or lack of respect. And don't disrespect the cop when you get the ticket, even if s/he's a jerk. You don't want to stand out in the cop's mind. You want the cop to almost immediately forget you.

Being the winner is more important than being self-righteous.


Old news. Most Floridians I know, know this. All those ads for "we'll take care of your traffic ticket for you" are people that will show up and sit in court on your behalf. Basically, you pay them to go and sit in court for you and hope the cop doesn't show. She is right. I believe it's over 96% of the time the cop doesn't show up.


Hi Brother David! I hope all is well with you & your family. I was issued 3 bogus tickets by an officer after he & his partner followed me for 30+ blocks at night with their headlights off! I was taking my mother to work & they stopped me about 3 blocks from her job. She was so mad that they stopped us, she stormed off the rest of the way to work! The officers didn't even stop her from leaving! The next day, I called the police precinct & spoke to the commanding officer & told him about the encounter & how I was told to get the officer's name & badge # off the ticket! He told me that he's surprised at this officer & stated that he was one of his better officers! The officer didn't show up to court & tickets dismissed!


Also traffic lawyers will ask for a continuance if the cop shows up, they repeat until the cop doesn't show up to court.


I’ve heard that you have a better chance of the cop not showing up if you reschedule your court date. They usually try to schedule the traffic tickets that are written by a cop on certain days, in the mornings or afternoon. I’m not sure if it’s totally true because I’ve never gotten a ticket. If I do, you can be sure that I will try it though. Hahaha!!


Hi Brother David. In another incident, I was ticketed because the guy behind me ran the red light! I was in the intersection as I was passing under the light & noticed that the sequence was off! I video taped the sequence as well as timing the sequence. The light changed from green to yellow to red in 2 seconds! I went to court & the officer testified that the light was in working order. I brought my video evidence & asked the officer how long is the sequence before the light turns from green to red! At first she tried to squirm her way out of answering, but she said 2 seconds! That proved my point about the light's sequence being off & not properly working. Ticket dismissed! Stay safe Brother David! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


EVERY ticket that I have contested, the officer has showed up. So no...She's not right. But I have won three times.


I tried fighting a speeding ticket in Sacramento where the officer said I was driving 15mph over the speed limit on the hwy. 8 months later I went to court to fight it and absolutely the officer showed up. The judge absolutely sided with the officer and my speeding ticket went up in price for the judges time spent listening to the case. Waste of my time and additional money. Good luck to anyone trying to fight a ticket


My department makes it mandatory to show up for court.


We should all ask for jury trials. It would end tickets all together.


Except many jurisdictions are now giving police officers time to attend court.


FYI it doesn't work in small rural towns. Those cops have nothing better to do but to go to court.


This is old news. I thought everyone knew cops don't show up unless they have a personal interest.


I got a traffic ticket many many years ago. It was old school with a piece of carbon paper between the original and the ticket that the citizen would receive. The officer put the carbon paper in backwards. The ink ended up on the backside of the top copy. I realized it immediately pond being handed the ticket. The court date came and went, and I got a summons. I went to court on the new one and showed the judge my blank ticket. Case was dismissed!


Thumbs up SOLELY for showing up at 1:28AM, sir.
