The Gift of Righteousness (Part 1) - Romans 3:21-26 | Tom Ascol

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This sermon was given by Dr. Tom Ascol on November 10, 2019 at Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, FL and is a part of his sermon series on Romans: The Grace of God in the Gospel.

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Best way I can see it is I love my son, regardless if he is doing something good or bad, I may have to lovingly correct him but regardless my love is still there. So God and Jesus must be like this like many trillions of times as much.


Praise Christ, He is the ransom but didn't remain dead in the grave instead swallowed up sin and death in eternal victory for hell deserving sinners. He is the righteousness required freely offered in the gift of faith as we are drawn by lavish grace to see sin correctly and sue for mercy in the court of God!! Praise our Triune God and His purpose set forth in His Son. For the glory of God the Father and the salvation of sinners


@Alma stay under the sound preaching of the gospel and find brothers and sisters who are also striving to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. We are all a work in process. Until CHRIST returns or brings us home to glory!!! 🙏🏼


CANNOT completely wrap my mind around how a member of the God Head that created everything allowed himself to be nailed to a cross to give us life with him. IT is something to be forever grateful for.... What is sin precisely anyway, is it any bad thought or bad action that is not complete love for God and your fellow man??? I have bad thoughts, emotions, and actions all the time, all of which I do not want, but it seems to spring on me before these things before I even know how to stop them.


I keep saying things that are not right when I get angry, then after I feel like a hypocrite before God, please pray for me.
