Pregnant Olympian Shawn Johnson Opens Up | Exercise in Pregnancy - ObGyn Interview

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Exercise in pregnancy is hot topic! And being a pregnant athlete online & sharing how you exercise in pregnancy often attracts a lot of criticism. Shawn Johnson, 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist, discusses with Dr. Danielle Jones her experiences with exercise in pregnancy and Dr. Jones gives information on recommendations for exercise in pregnancy. Is it safe? Is it recommended? What's okay and what's not.

00:00 Welcome
01:06 Exercise in Pregnancy (Basics)
01:17 Benefits of Exercise in Pregnancy
02:31 General ACOG Recommendations
03:36 Warning Signs
04:12 Welcome Shawn Johnson East
04:45 Shawn's Experience with Criticism
09:27 Shawn's Exercise Routine Before & During Pregnancy
13:50 Shawn Asks Questions, ObGyn Answers
16:30 Braxton Hicks Discussion
18:10 Where to Find Shawn Johnson East (& Family) Online

** The information in this video is intended to serve as educational information and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/advanced practice provider. **


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I feel like people just find a way to criticize moms no matter what they do. Excercise or no excercise, formula or breastfeeding, working or stay-at-home, screen time or no screen time. There's nothing we can do right, and EVERYONE seem to have an opinion about it and feel no inhibitions to express it publicly


I worked out pretty intensely 5- 6 days a week up until the day I gave birth and had no complications or issues. I felt amazing and strong being pregnant, no aches or pains. My baby was born a normal healthy weight with no issues. I’m going to do it again during my next pregnancy. I shared my journey on my Instagram and only had one person say something negative towards the end of my pregnancy. Most people were supportive.


My grandma had 12 pregnancies ( 9 live births). Throughout all her pregnancies she did heavy work on the farm. Tending a huge garden, milked cows, gathered eggs, helping others in the community. She ate fried food and fresh food. She lived to be 91 years old.


My sister miscarried her first child. She went through a period where she wondered what she did wrong. The answer was nothing. But people judge. People will assume that when you miscarry it’s your fault. I nearly cried when Shawn mentioned that someone stated she’d lose her daughter just like she miscarried her first baby.


that scrub colour makes your eyes POP! 😍


So sad that women get criticised no matter what they do with their babies ☹️ So much love to you! 💙💚💛


Thank you so much for this!!! I got so much hate for working out during my pregnancy 😅


I had a teacher way back in high school who was in the 3rd trimester and ran the cross country with us year 12 girls and won! We were all put to shame (I’m so unfit...) 😂 What a badass 💪🏻


I'm so sorry to hear how horrible people have been to her! No one deserves that type of mistreatment and shaming. Disabled folks like myself get a lot of unsolicited, even aggressive advice like this, and it can be SO damaging and even traumatic. I'm so glad you're so supportive!


I am so confused why anyone would criticize a woman’s exercise regime in pregnancy. That is so weird to me. Unless you are their doctor or know exactly what their doctor has advised them, it is none of your business. Good grief! And to accuse them of causing a miscarriage, that is heartless!


As someone who works out, strength trains, has recently had two straight miscarriages, and is waiting with bated breath to take a pregnancy test this month. The miscarriage piece hit all the feels. Thank you for having that on here because it was an encouragement to me


I never get over how _entitled_ so many people seem to feel towards other people's bodies, even those of complete strangers! So much respect to Ms. Johnson for continuing with what she knew was correct for herself and her own body!


Shawn is an elite athlete who is paying attention to her doctor and her body. Who cares what a stranger says?


There's this weird double standard about exercise in pregnancy that I see in a lot of people. On one hand, everyone talks about how women "in the good ol' days" worked super hard the whole time and gave birth on the field like no big deal, while simultaneously shaming anyone who does as much as a squat while pregnant these days. It's weird, but I am determined to be s fit as possible now, so that when I decide to have a kid I can continue being active even in pregnancy (because honestly, not doing anything for 9 months would freak me out). Also, the puppy behind Shawn was very cute :)


Yay! I just found out I am pregnant and I have already heard “don’t lift weight, stop working out that’s not healthy” like a thousand times. I’m so grateful for this video! Thank you


What?? People were staying she'd cause a miscarriage? How dare you! That's so evil!


I had my daughter in 2004 and I was told that I shouldn't do anything that would raise my heart rate, "just stick to walking". I think it definitely made it harder to get in shape afterwards.


I KNEW this surprise interview with an elite pregnant athlete was Shawn Johnson East! So happy for you to virtually chat and meet her!


I deadlifted, squatted, and bench-pressed throughout my pregnancy, same as I had before. I didn’t set any new personal bests, but I did just fine. We skipped the overhead presses because of balance, but mostly kept the same routine.
