Our Lady of Akita: Message of Hope? | The Download

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Revisiting a series of Marian apparitions.

Fifty years ago, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a Catholic nun in Japan. On many occasions after that, a statue connected to the series of apparitions was seen shedding blood from its hands and tears from its eyes. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and Rodney Pelletier discuss the three messages of Our Lady of Akita.

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My son lives in Fukushima and has for the past 15yrs. He has visited Akita several times. Very few people among the Japanese know about this great site. Please pray for my son as he tries to be a light among the japanese people. The divine reset will be the fulfillment of the Lords prayer...the new era is the era of sanctification...The Divine Will.


Well said, God bless from the Philippines.


The wound, stigmata, in Sister's left hand made it impossible for her to receive the Eucharistic Host in her left hand at daily Mass. This Convent had recently started to receive Communion in their hands in 1973. Sister Agnes, because of the extreme pain & oozing blood, had to receive Communion on the tongue. The Convents' Confessor interpreted this to be a sign from Our Lady that Communion should be received more reverently. on the tongue. This Convents' Order was called: The Handmaid's of The Holy Eucharist. After this all the Nuns began to receive Communion on the tongue. 🙏✝️🙏


I think that you need to interview sister Sasagawa and maybe interview Conchita Keena too.


Years ago I got interested in Japan by how they persevered the faith even without priests and since learning more about Akita I'm trying to get a job in Japan to better pray for the nation.


That fire is Trumpet 3, the Wormwood Star that is to strike the earth after The Miracle & Warning.


Amen to the great insight and discussion. God did intervene in my life to save my marriage 16 years ago when I had a profound conversion in Medjugorje. Like Nineveh, we can avert this fire falling from the sky catastrophe by calling people to repentance. The cup is full accordingly, our Lady of Fatima. The world is heading toward a culture of relativism against God's natural law. We need to claim the truth of the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman and the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.


Now the Vatican is saying not to pay attention to past or FUTURE Marian apparitions.. With this lot in charge, that makes me pay attention to La Sallette, Fatima, Lourdes, Kibeho, "Good Success", and Akita even more.

I don't know much about Garabandal, and I don't buy Medjugorje for a variety of reasons.


@ChurchMilitant please make an episode about Our Lady of the Good Event of the Purification and an episode about Our Lady of Kibeho to promote the 7 Sorrows Rosary .


Nagasaki & Hiroshima were not locations spotlighting industrial & military value. However, at the time of the hits, they were the greatest numbers and densities of Christians in the whole of Asia. In Hiroshima the intended hit location was the cathedral (hit a bit off but it the shadow of the building is known). Anybody know the reality of the decision patterns?


It might not be a nuclear bomb, some one was saying that it could be solar flares from the sun because the sun has been throwing a lot of solar flares in the last 2 years.


Please check out the messages ofJesus to Louisa Piccarreta who is now bringing in the era of peace.


The bomb hitting the number Catholic area was intentional.


I am no one but I had a very very vivid dream uoon my reversion back to the faith at the age of 40 (2 years ago).i have no idea what it means but interesting nevetheless given the discussion.

The dream was me staring in the night sky - there was a new moon in the sky - the moon all of a sudden became alive with light surrounding its circumference and then lines of like electricity lines were waving through the moon - back and forth.

Shortly after the moon became bright like the sun as if the sun ate it up. Then it became a ball of fire and quickly descended towards the earth.

I felt at peace and had no fear and eventually was swallowed up by this fire.

Maybe just a crazy dream.

God bless.


Japan has saint Maximillian Kolbe to thank for bringing the mission to Japan and he founded a printing media city of the Immaculata to Japan..only a small pocket of faithful live there. Sadly sister is much older now and bed ridden in a nursing home not in a Catholic place either. A monk spoke about his discussion with her a few years ago.


The shroudvand Eucharistic blood was AB, but what bloodtype was this blood from the statue ?


A survivor of the Maui wildfire who escaped by jumping in the ocean, said he saw "balls of fire" coming at them while in the ocean. They had to keep their hair wet to keep it from catching on fire.


I believe stigmatist Marie Julie Jeheney speaks of a different fire when speaking on the 3 days of darkness. The deluge was not man made and I'd say the fire falling from the sky's will not be man made either.


Were the messages of Akita approved, or just the statue weeping?


Clearly it will be a solar flare. Not nukes.
