How To Easily Divide Circles Into Equal Sections!

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In this tutorial I show you how to split circles in 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 parts with a protractor.
This is an easy and simple method to split circles. You only have to divide 360 by the number of divisions you want in the circle.
No need of compass and ruler or complicated measurements!
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Drawing mandala is a meditative and therapeutic process. The act of drawing mandalas is stress relieving and can lead us to a very peaceful inner state and introspection releasing energetic blockages.
Mandala in Sanskrit means circle or discoid object. Mandalas represent different aspects of the universe and are used as instruments of meditation and symbols of prayer in Asian cultures. Mandalas are normally arranged into sections organised around a central point and they can hold a symbolic and meditative meaning. Externally mandalas can be a visual representation of the universe and internally they can guide in the meditation process.
#splitcircle #splitcircleprotractor #protractor #protractordrawing