JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Functional Programming with JavaScript ES6+
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In this video we are going to learn Functional Programming with JavaScript ES6+. These are the fundamentals of Functional Programming with JavaScript ES6+ and essential trainings. we will see more and more in upcoming videos.
Exercise Files Direct Link:-👇👇👇
JavaScript Essential Training for Beginners:-👇👇👇
JavaScript Full Playlist:-👇👇👇
ReactJS Full Playlist:👇👇👇
PHP Full Playlist:-👇👇👇
Full-Stack JavaScript App Development tutorial:-👇👇👇
Creating and Hosting Full-Stack Site using React:-👇👇👇
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Where There is a Will There is a Way 💘
Functional Programming with JavaScript
//Chapters and time splits
00:00:00-00:01:12 A functional approach to transform code
00:01:13-00:02:26 What you should know
00:04:15-00:07:32 Setting up the project
00:07:33-00:09:07 Setting up the project: Hello World
00:09:08-00:12:45 The goal of functional programming
00:12:46-00:15:31 Declarative vs imperative programming
00:15:32-00:19:49 Immutability
00:19:50-00:21:36 Separation of data and functions
00:21:37-00:25:05 Object oriented to functional approach
00:25:06-00:27:39 First-class functions
00:27:40-00:30:53 Ensuring immutability: ESLint
00:30:54-00:32:07 Ensuring immutability: Install ESLint
00:32:08-00:34:34 Ensuring immutability: Finalize ESLint
00:34:35-00:40:45 Arrow functions in ES6
00:40:46-00:45:24 Function as data
00:45:25-00:49:51 Functions as data continued
00:49:52-00:53:23 Passing functions as arguments
00:53:24-00:58:47 Returning functions
00:58:48-01:02:07 Closure
01:02:08-01:07:38 Implement private variable
01:07:39-01:13:24 Higher-order functions
01:13:25-01:15:17 JavaScript: Functional parts
01:15:18-01:20:47 The spread operator
01:20:48-01:25:58 Mapping
01:25:59-01:32:57 Filtering
01:32:58-01:38:43 Every/some
01:38:44-01:42:21 Slicing
01:42:22-01:47:32 Sorting
01:47:33-01:53:55 Reducing
01:53:56-02:00:35 Combining functions
02:00:36-02:01:38 Challenge: Recreate the map function
02:01:39-02:04:44 Solution: Recreate the map function
02:04:45-02:05:50 Advanced functional concepts
02:05:51-02:11:40 Currying and partial application
02:11:41-02:14:55 Recursion
02:14:56-02:20:56 Functional as objects
02:20:57-02:22:08 Challenge: Convert array
02:22:09-02:26:36 Solution: Convert array
02:26:37-02:28:32 Challenge: Anagrams
02:28:33-02:35:22 Solution: Anagrams
02:35:23-02:37:29 Challenge: Error messages
02:37:30-02:43:10 Solution: Error messages
02:43:11-02:44:49 Next steps
In this video we are going to learn Functional Programming with JavaScript ES6+. These are the fundamentals of Functional Programming with JavaScript ES6+ and essential trainings. we will see more and more in upcoming videos.
Exercise Files Direct Link:-👇👇👇
JavaScript Essential Training for Beginners:-👇👇👇
JavaScript Full Playlist:-👇👇👇
ReactJS Full Playlist:👇👇👇
PHP Full Playlist:-👇👇👇
Full-Stack JavaScript App Development tutorial:-👇👇👇
Creating and Hosting Full-Stack Site using React:-👇👇👇
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Where There is a Will There is a Way 💘
Functional Programming with JavaScript
//Chapters and time splits
00:00:00-00:01:12 A functional approach to transform code
00:01:13-00:02:26 What you should know
00:04:15-00:07:32 Setting up the project
00:07:33-00:09:07 Setting up the project: Hello World
00:09:08-00:12:45 The goal of functional programming
00:12:46-00:15:31 Declarative vs imperative programming
00:15:32-00:19:49 Immutability
00:19:50-00:21:36 Separation of data and functions
00:21:37-00:25:05 Object oriented to functional approach
00:25:06-00:27:39 First-class functions
00:27:40-00:30:53 Ensuring immutability: ESLint
00:30:54-00:32:07 Ensuring immutability: Install ESLint
00:32:08-00:34:34 Ensuring immutability: Finalize ESLint
00:34:35-00:40:45 Arrow functions in ES6
00:40:46-00:45:24 Function as data
00:45:25-00:49:51 Functions as data continued
00:49:52-00:53:23 Passing functions as arguments
00:53:24-00:58:47 Returning functions
00:58:48-01:02:07 Closure
01:02:08-01:07:38 Implement private variable
01:07:39-01:13:24 Higher-order functions
01:13:25-01:15:17 JavaScript: Functional parts
01:15:18-01:20:47 The spread operator
01:20:48-01:25:58 Mapping
01:25:59-01:32:57 Filtering
01:32:58-01:38:43 Every/some
01:38:44-01:42:21 Slicing
01:42:22-01:47:32 Sorting
01:47:33-01:53:55 Reducing
01:53:56-02:00:35 Combining functions
02:00:36-02:01:38 Challenge: Recreate the map function
02:01:39-02:04:44 Solution: Recreate the map function
02:04:45-02:05:50 Advanced functional concepts
02:05:51-02:11:40 Currying and partial application
02:11:41-02:14:55 Recursion
02:14:56-02:20:56 Functional as objects
02:20:57-02:22:08 Challenge: Convert array
02:22:09-02:26:36 Solution: Convert array
02:26:37-02:28:32 Challenge: Anagrams
02:28:33-02:35:22 Solution: Anagrams
02:35:23-02:37:29 Challenge: Error messages
02:37:30-02:43:10 Solution: Error messages
02:43:11-02:44:49 Next steps