I just realized that title is exactly something you’d see on an Urban Rescue Ranch video
Yeah if they can now draw blood, no more finger feedings
If you wanna get feeding tongs you probably will want to get one made of bamboo or one with rubber on the end. Safer for them if they bite down on the tong instead of the food
Love the just random ass clip cut in of you working out 😂😂
Turtles are food crazy. Lol. They will try to eat anything food shaped. 🤣 Tongs are a good idea!
Bro cooked, boiled, broiled, deep fried, toasted, roasted, well done, over medium, burnt bowser. 🔥💀
Smoked, rotisseried, dry aged, buttered and served.
For that one Texan who suggested this… BARBECUED
Aww! I remember my guard-mud dragon. He was named Lucky because he was lucky a school bus didn't run over him. He still had his egg tooth and yolk attached so he was brand new to the world. I was about to 12 or 13 at the time and fell in love.
I would sit him on my chest just above my heart and we would take naps together. He would never run off and only woke up if I moved him. He was a sweetheart who loved his eyes and neck scratched and would stretch up as much as he could😂.
We never hand fed because I knew he would be a bit clumsy. He went from meal worms to earth worms, then crickets and then small feeder fish that grew with him.
We released him when he was three years old and I progressively stopped giving him too much attention so he wouldn't go up to the wrong human for cuddles 😢. I then raised and released three more snappers and NONE of them ever acted like Lucky even though we found them all around the same age. Sometimes there are just those special souls you meet along the way.
Bowser gonna be like that one turtle in amazing world of gumball
Balthazar has now tasted blood, his transformation into the god of war and fire will start soon.
A predator biting a wiggly meat stick???? What incivility!
Well you see the turtles now associate your hand with food, so when you put your hand near them they will assume you are giving them your butterfingers.
When they get bigger they can bite off your entire hand easily. You ABSOLUTELY want to get something for this.
We never had any aggressive issues with out boy bowser 😂 yes he also was named bowser we had him for 5 years.
While every turtle has it's own personality, I'd recommend a recent video Clint's Reptiles did about handling snappers. Really interesting and potentially better technique than what's regularly recommended.
When i was a kid we had a Red-eared Slider turtle i named Hunter, its favorite food was the infestation snails we had in our fish tank, so we always went and fished out like 5 every day and gave them to him. Hunter apparently was vicious from us feeding him snails, according to the aquarium store but Hunter never bit us, but the guy said he was bit twice in 5 minutes. I think thats because we had raised him since he was a little guy, the other turtle we had gotten with Hunter (as a pair, they were both male and siblings) had died a week after and we had no idea why.
Is no one going to talk about his random work out clip?
You should probably also target feed. You basically show them an object that they wouldn't see otherwise before you feed them. Over time, they will associate that object with food time.
Depending on your state & the people that live there 👀 they should not make you remove it. We used to build concrete bag retaining walls for our bike paths bridges through town. They were engineered, permitted, approved & after bags dissolved, the public loved how they turned out. Depending on you the weight of any future traffic, soils, compaction & saturation your retainer wall should last you 40-100 years. Sorry about the “educated” people that can ever be taught anything & only know that they’re always right regardless of how correct they actually are. The project looks really good for a novice & you definitely have something to be proud of after all that effort.
Bowser was probably taking revenge on Balthazar because Balthazar did bite Bowser's tail when they were young. But i don't know 😅
I suggest you watch the new Clint’s reptiles video about snapping turtle handling. It’s really useful and show a great way to for amazing bonds with your turtles. :)