(GD) Hyper Space by LazerBlitz (Insane Demon 10*) (400 DEMONS)

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If ur coming from my insane demons playlist pardon this salty ass desc LOL i was like this back then
(Attempts: 1276) (Worst fail: 90%) (ID: 27795417) (Demon #: 400) (Demon difficulty: 13/20, hard)
Let me start by saying I wanted to do this level ever since it came out at the end of 2016, primarily because of how cool it looked. So when I was looking for something to do for demon #400 and finally decided I had the skill to do this, imagine the fucking disappointment and betrayal I felt when I discovered that LazerBlitz's gameplay is a mess and much less fun than it looks. 17% to 29% is a total shitshow, the duals bug out half the time, and 70% houses an EXTREMELY awkward blue orb timing. Regardless, I decided to continue anyway and after about two hours I died at 90%. It took THREE MORE FUCKING HOURS AFTER THAT to finally beat it and those three hours were some of the most excruciatingly painful time I had spent on this game. In that timespan I had died at 80%, 75%, 70% four or five times, and way too many times in 23%-26% to count. Eventually it got to the point where I just broke and stopped reacting altogether. Even after beating this, I still feel betrayed. I began the level expecting to have fun and I got absolutely fucking bodied. I'm sure that you guys know that when there's a long description it means I strongly disliked a level, but I'm gonna say this anyway: I wouldn't recommend this at all. It's certainly not the worst I've done, but it was definitely not worth five hours of my time and I don't think it is worth your time either.

On another note, 400 demons. On this day exactly one year ago, I only had completed 100 demons. I'm surprised I even got to this point, actually. I didn't think I would reach this milestone before Everyplay shuts down next month. I haven't really thought about what I'll do when that happens either, so that's a story for another day I guess.
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GG, also about everyplay. The servers will be done but the feature to record will still work so what I do is after I beat a demon I use the iOS screen recorder to save the video by recording the replay. Well that’s my suggestion at least


Gg and yeah like all LazerBlitz levels have doodoo gameplay except for maybe ultra drivers and ichor but even those are very lenient


hey i experienced the same thing when I first played spacelocked. anyway big hunky fat gg for 400!!!


lazerblitz has been banished to abu dhabi


something something better than me gg

id like to see nebulus or whatever it’s called now done


how to be lazerbitch: 1. put faces on things, 2. use purple


don’t you have school lmao
big gg tho my man


i literally just got the notification what the


Go for 420 (ha, geddit) before next month now


Welp time for me to beat something harder already


lazerblitz duals are really overrated. they're either insanely basic or look unfun imo


Do you think this is still a bad level lol
