Doctrine of the Last Things: Part 14 - Practical Application of the Second Coming of Christ

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"Defenders" is Dr. William Lane Craig's weekly Sunday school class on Christian doctrine and apologetics. This video is part 14 of the final locus in Defenders, Doctrine of the Last Things.

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As an Assyrian (who's mother tongue is neo-Aramaic), it is very gratifying to see my original language emphasised here and put ahead of translations, which came later. "Marran, tah" literally translates as "Lord, come". We still use Aramaic in our church services today. I would love the opportunity to invite Dr Craig to a service when he's in UK next time.


I just saw this, video. I need to watch the rest of the series and step my game up .


This was awesome. I love that this emphasised the truly important over the vague and uncertain


Who is coming Mr Craig? The whole world lies in the power of the wicked one. All organised religions are held in his power and organised religions all oppose the truth of the Word of God as it is written. Churches today are not founded on true first century Christianity they are founded on deception that is why there are well over 44, 000, 00., different so called Christian denominations. I know Mariam daughter of Heli was mother to Yehoshua (Joshua in English) at the time of His First coming to save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21.  

I know Hebrews 1:6 prophesies that He (Yahoveh God) would again bring His Firstborn into the inhabited earth. The Firstborn of the Most High God is not a church. Saying so is blasphemy taught by churches because they oppose the truth of the inspired writings and refuse to consider truth. I know the truth for my Elohim has taught me. My Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent God has again brought His Firstborn into the inhabited earth and I can provide evidence that supports Revelation 12:5 that a woman did give birth to a Son a Male who is to shepherd the earth with an iron rod who was caught up to heaven at the time he was born before Satan could devour the woman's child. (not the churches child, Churches did not witness this happening, I did.  And they in heaven being Yahoveh God and Mariam the chosen mother and surrogate mother of the new birth of a Son they named Emmanuel, as foretold Matthew 1:22, 23 corresponding with Rev. 12:5 and many prophesies from Genesis through to Revelation.

All mankind are dying by toxic injection of human, animal, or insect DNA accompanied by Nano Particles by direction from demonic intelligence to pollute the human genome, created in the image of God and His Firstborn. Many have been burned and blasted to pieces by bombing and other methods of slaughter that would be halted if those teaching lies would only listen to the truth as it is written in scripture. Zephaniah 1:9 reads "He will give attention to everyone who is climbing on the platform in this day, filling the house of their master with violence and deception.


Nothing but respect for Dr. Craig but eschatology is not your area of expertise.
