New Linkin Park Singer Emily Armstrong Responds to Backlash

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Linkin Park singer Emily Armstrong has responded to controversy after past support for Danny Masterson surfaced. Linkin Park announces reunion and tickets go on sale.

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I swear to God, people learnt absolutely nothing from Chester, and this is the most depressing thing i've seen in a long while. In the past 7 years i had hopes that such tragic event would open peoples eyes, and they would be more mindful with what they are saying, and that they would do everything they can for the same tragedies to not happen. I will forever remember Chester's last speech in Birmingham:

"..until all this nonsense stops, and we can start loving each other, we can stop hurting each other, because we believe in something different than the person standing next to us. The one thing that can't be defeated is love. You can conquer hate by ignoring it, you can destroy it by loving the person next to you..."

"...We don't care what you look like, we don't care where you come from, we don't care what you believe in - we love every single one of you out there, and nothing will ever change that"

Please, just slow down you all. Think about what you are doing, and what you are saying.


Let's be real for a minute. A lot of these angry fans ranting about what Chester would think are the same fans who trashed his last album and called him a sellout weeks before he died.


It's sad knowing that the church is into trafficing and that was a big thing that Chester was trying to fight was trafficking


She responded, but didn't distance herself from the church, which still completely breaks this deal for me personally. Especially considering Chester's philosophy and method of passing.


I can proudly say I never made fun of Chester or linkin park, idk why people did that so much, I have made a few jokes about them being mainstream, but all bands that blow up become mainstream and take a more mainstream sound. “What I’ve done” “leave out all the rest” the transformers soundtracks were all beautiful songs, hardcore rock and metal fans are just really harsh and hate when any band becomes any bit more mainstream or radio friendly.


The “One Step Closer” album is called Hybrid Theory, dude


The biggest disappointment in this entire fiasco is how the "fans" who are all about honoring Chester's memory seem to have forgotten the number 1 lesson his death taught us - Be respectful of others, because you never what they might be going through.

If you don't like something, sure, voice your opinion and politely step away instead of harassing, inciting negativity and outright verbally attacking them. You don't know what's going on, you don't have the whole story, you'll never have the whole story. As an addendum - listen to the damn lyrics!


Never cared for linkin park much. But the one performance that floored me was when Chester was singing Crawling, and Cornell walks onstage and sings it with him, doing his own verse. Omg it was so good. Rip both of you!❤


What happened to Tom Cruise when he was going through the ringer for being part of Scientology? Not much. He freaked out on Oprah and then years later he made a new top gun and no one said anything. There is no accountability. These people will do what they want.


I'm so disturbed by all of the people saying "The only people upset about this are not real Linkin Park fans". I've been a fan for 21 years. I've loved every album they've made. Their music has helped me through some of the darkest times in my life, which includes my time being groomed by a cult and being abused throughout my whole childhood. I was actually excited about everything and supportive of this new step until all of these concerns came out. I've seen the toxic "fans" who are just bashing them and being cruel simply because they don't like the idea of a new singer, but that is not what all of us are doing. A lot of us, as survivors of abuse and assault, have very real concerns and are very disturbed by the responses and answers we've gotten so far. I related to Chester on a very personal level many years before I really understood why, and I want to believe that the band wouldn't betray that, but the response I've seen has just been really concerning and upsetting as a survivor.


I am a CSA survivor from organized religion. Her 'apology' enraged me. What a joke.


If you're a scientologist you're a walking red flag.


This isn't a 'past' thing. It's not an apology it's an excuse, written and cleared by COS. She's still part of Danny Masterson's posse, and the 'church'. Notice how she couldn't say his name.


Emily Armstrong is in Scientology. Scientology are against mental health treatment. How can linking paek justify taking her on, considering what happened to Chester?!?😢


I keep Asking this, but Emily. WHERE'S SHELLY? Ask David If He knows where Shelly is for me


she only addressed half of the elephant in the room.


How could Linkin Park NOT do a check on her backstory, searching for any possible drama, controversy, or accusations? Lol. I remember Cedric's story many moons ago.


I genuinely liked the first single. My biggest issue is the Scientology. It is a horrible quite frankly a. Cult and the fact that it's it's been Said that she not only supported a convicted rapist. She also harassed and fear-mongered other victims that came forward that were in Scientology in the courtroom to the point where the court officer or whatever said that the only time he ever seen such bad behavior was with gangs.


PR Damage control that was really a piss poor statement especially since she didn't call him out by name plus still followed him on Instagram up until yesterday. Linkin park is going to do what they want but Have to deal with the ramifications of this choice.


I mean she did roll up to the danny case with a mob to intimidate the victims.
