Income tax: How much you could save moving to Florida

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If you are considering moving to Florida, there's some good news for your paycheck in a state with no income tax. You may be taking on a new job, or with today’s remote opportunities, your job may be coming with you.

However, states with no income tax, like Florida, must make up that money elsewhere.

Additionally, counties like Hillsborough and Pinellas tack on additional tax rates. Overall, Florida is considered to be one of the most tax-friendly states for middle-class families, which could mean more money in your wallet.

Considering the move to Florida, or already here? Welcome to Florida is your guide to the sunshine state and becoming an authentic Floridian, coming to you from 10 Tampa Bay in Florida.

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You cannot compare Florida with New York or California without adjusting for the much lower salaries paid in Florida. Compared to northern or western states, you end up with less income in Florida. You also need to analyze property taxes which are very high in affluent Florida neighborhoods and cost of living which is pretty high in major urban areas where you can get better paying jobs.


I'm trying to convince my mom to relocating from Michigan to Florida because she might like it there but since I'm 22 and was hoping to move there remembrance that I should bring her too 😮


Moving to Florida? Wish I hadn't and here's why:
The health care system is atrocious. It is like getting health care in a 3rd world country. After all, what can you expect from a state that has a senator (Rick Scott) whose company was involved in the largest Medicare scandal in US history? And somewhere along the way, you will get scammed by the system as well. I would strongly suggest that you see health care providers in the north including dentists.
Florida is a superficial culture, especially in Orlando. It's a great place for mainstream but don't count on intellectual stimulation. I know people who are highly educated and yet lack higher order thinking skills. Education in Florida is notoriously abominable.

To add insult to injury, customer service is almost non- existent.

Last but not least, Florida is very expensive. Don't move to Florida to avoid state income tax. The cost of living is so high, you will pay way more than any state income tax. Housing costs are skyrocketing.


I agree with this my moms and dads side live in florida my dads sides in palm beach and moms sides in new port richey


Just retired from post office.: had to stay in my cause of job… I want to get out of here bad… like go down south.. but.. I have 3 cats that I won’t leave behind too.:. Smh..


GA to FL you’ll save roughly the same for example the average amount someone pays for property tax in Florida is roughly what I pay in Georgia state tax every year.

I hear people complain about the property tax in Florida but y’all have no income tax like what y’all pay in property tax is what I pay in state income tax every year so from my point of view it evens out.

Btw this is based off of the average.


What if I work for company that is in Los Angeles and I move to Florida? Do I still need to pay income tax?


I hate that my son pay do much federal taxes, nor to mention school taxes, our government is killing us 😢


So how much is the standard paycheck? What is the wage?


I'm retired, on Social Security. Would it be wise for me to move to Florida? What about crime?
