Super Powerful band sawmill Logosol B1001 / Turn Big Logs into Beautiful Slabs!| LOGOSOL Wilkerdos

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Watch amazing and inspiring creator April Wilkerson make her first cuts with the B1001 band sawmill.

Do you want to mill your own wood or learn about portable sawmills? Have you got dreams of making a live edge table, building your own log house, becoming self-sustainable, saw planks and boards for your renovation, homestead, off-grid property or wood project?

Do you have questions like: what is the best chainsaw mill or which chainsaw mill should I buy. Then you have come to the right channel! Logosol Portable Sawmills have several hundred videos about how to learn to saw lumber, how to plane wood and much more.

Logosol is the leading portable sawmill company, with wood processing machines, band sawmills, chain sawmills, planers, moulders and accessories all made with high quality, in Sweden.

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