Scandal 5x02 Promo 'Yes' (HD)

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Scandal 5x02 "Yes" - The Pope and Associates team dives into a new case that takes Olivia out of D.C. and away from the President. Meanwhile, back at the White House, Fitz is determined to find who’s responsible for causing the latest turn of events, and Abby receives unexpected guidance from a master of damage control as she struggles to catch a break, on “Scandal,” Thursday October 1st on ABC. Subscribe to tvpromosdb on Youtube for more Scandal season 5 promos in HD!

Scandal 5x02 Promo/Preview "Yes"
Scandal Season 5 Episode 2 Promo
Scandal 5x02 Promo "Yes" (HD)
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Olivia saying..."I want YOU...I want US" LOVED THAT SCENE. KDubs was amazing! Our girl is finally expressing her feelings and saying what she wants!! I absolutely LOVE what Kerry Washington said about Olivia and Fitz this season....She said some think when the main couple of a show get together, it will be the end. This time on Scandal, now that Olivia and Fitz are together....IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING! The beginning of their new relationship without hiding. It is not going to be easy. KDubs said, their love is worth rooting for!
This is going to be so GOOD! Love Fitz reassuring Olivia that everything is going to be OKAY! Tony Goldwyn directed this episode and he said the script is amazing for 502. 501? Finally Scandal FEELS like Scandal again. No B613, NO JOKE, and Olivia and Fitz front and center!


I'm pleased to see Fitz's goal haven't changed since season 1. The love he has for Oliva is Just simply...WOW.


Well, they weren't exactly doing their most to keep their affair a secret so I mean, yeah, everyone knows now. Do not feel sorry for them when they're so terrible at sneaking around. *shrugs*


If I was Milly I would write a book... I would bury them


Oh boy what did i say! Jake is back to help and i can't wait. What did liv think? Her life With Fitz will never be normal as long as he is president. It will never happen.


Also, how pathetic can you be to want Liv to be with someone she does not want. Folks, she does not want Jake. How many times has she got to tell you Olake people? Do you force yourself on someone who has made it clear they don't want you. The answer should be no. Baby girl that's more than likely why you were so bored, you got Jake for a hot second. The assassin will probably have more face time soon. That should relieve your boredom.


I hope Fitz and Liv can make it through this. I know this will be especially hard on Olivia and i feel so bad for her but i know she is strong enough. I can't speak for everyone, but the reason i support Olitz is because their chemistry captured me from the very first episode, they LOVE each other and they are good for each other. Yes they are messy and have issues, but that makes them real. They make mistakes, they learn they grow and i couldn't be prouder to be an Olitz fan. That's my opinion.


I am so disappointed in Olivia. At the end of season 4, I thought if she wanted to go be with Fitz, at least she wouldn't allow herself to be a side chick anymore. And though I didn't support her decision, I was proud of that. But now she's just super side chick and its bordering on pathetic. So she waited all this time just to be an in-house side piece? Couldn't she have done this all along? At least when she refused to be this available for him she could use him to make decisions that benefited her. Now she gets nothing and she's still on the side? LoL what is up with my girl Liv?

And can someone tell me how two 30+ year olds can't separate their personal life and work? I feel like they're so immature for that.


What if Fitz was the one who leaked the pictures? Lizzie, Mellie, Cyrus are too obvious


But Liv isn't his mistress olakers that's why he handed Mellie the papers. I too was afraid they would go around in circles again but I am glad that Sally exposed them. Shonda said olitz are in it together now so here's to hoping they handle this once and for all, in the open. Now mellie can't use Fitz anymore to get ahead. How pathetic do you have to be to want to be with a man that doesn't love you for 8 more years? Now here's her nance to do things on her own since people think she's so tough. And Fitz was right, he couldn't just accuse the prince like that he's not a peasant. And look turned out she was wrong and it would have brought national commotion for nothing. Liv needs to pipe down sometimes. Here to Sally and to shonda not being afraid and going all the way with olitz. Jake is back next week pretending to be tough guy again ugh!


ehm... HELLO???? Isn't this the same plot of the end of what season 3 or 2?!!
Photos leaked, everyone knows about Olivia and Fitz and then they spin it around? Come on... Scandal is going down. I hated this episode, it was a huge let down, and this is coming from a fan of the series!
They told Shonda to change the last episode of season 4 and reunite Olitz to please the viewers... this would explain why we now have no original plot. Get it toghether!!!!


The premiere episode was insaneee, this is the Scandal i loved! YAS Shondaland!!!!


Smh, Olivia thought being with Fitz was gonna be peaches & cream. When Olivia told Fitz at the Constitution museum, she loved him, she didn't think of the consequences because she was on cloud 9 with the powerful leader of the free world. But Fitz knew it wasn't gonna be cookies & cream. That's why he asked Olivia, "so we're in this together?" Olivia shook her head... YES. So Miss Pope, you and Fitz in this together. YES!!


Sorry but no, that episode sucked. Hopefully next one will be better.


Lmao I don't know whether to laugh over this episode being more of the same boring and repetitive crap that's been shown since S1, Liv supposedly being outed again being a repeat of two years ago, but mostly I'm laughing that after they have stupidly made out right in front of windows, outside, in open hallways, in front of other people,  right in front of the Oval Office camera, etc. many times that they finally got outed in cameras and pictures.  This reminds me of what I've said since Fitz leaked Liv's name, why be so open and blunt about sucking face with a married man?  You think Liv would of been more careful but her brain seems to go in the blender to keep her randomly sleeping with Fitz.  Well just like before I expect a lame way to sweep this all under the rug.  This episode (especially with Olitz where Liv is still the secret mistress ducking and dodging getting caught with her pants down with Fitz) was more of the SSDD they have been doing for three years zzz.  This episode looks better but I'm not expecting anything new or shocking, same old same old as usual.


**OK so this is my comment I just posted on another video of the ending scene at the balcony where some people were mad at Liv for asking Fitz to slow down---- but I've added some for this particular promo at the very bottom**

**As much as I would love to see Liv accept the divorce move now, I understand where she is coming from. Fitz is a hopeless romantic, dreamer and lover- and I LOVE HIM, but it's Liv who brings the realism back into their relationship. She basically is able to separate herself from their intense love and really SEE things objectively and clearly. Fitz just casually divorcing Mellie now would absolutely cause chaos- they need a better plan. I can't propose one right now but I agree with Liv here. There is no doubt that they love each other so much, no doubt they will end up together (by season's or definitely show's end) that much is no doubt- but in order for the show to play out, the writers need to navigate this relationship fully! Liv once said to Edison that she wants painful, devastating, life changing love- well, she's about to get just that. They are going to be tested- its' going to hurt to be apart, it's not going to be as easy to see each other- no more heating up the sheets in her lover's bed (for now at least..) poor Fitz, oh boy- I don't know if he can take being away from his Livvie- so he's going to explode. Ooohhhhweeee I cannot wait. I LOVE Olitz, I'm a die hard Olitzer but I actually enjoy watching them navigate their problems, missing and yearning for each other-- I love how the actors portray this longing! So so so good.

One thing is for sure though, Liv is not running away this time. She is committed to Fitz- there will be no more triangles (aside from the original one, and that's Mellie, Fitz and Olivia- OR Fitz, Olivia and the country). They are going to work together to fight this. It will be painful, but of so worth it in the end.

It's also very telling that we see Cy, Mellie, Abby and Lizzie all watching this Liberty report. Uhmmmm, could it be an indication of who leaked those photos? Cy? Mellie? AH, but they are all to obvious! To easy of a guess. There must be a reason why we see Cy watching this report though- and Mellie pulling on her pearls as she watches- Lizzie's/Abby's lack of 'real reaction'. Uhmmm- Shonda what are you up to?
Maybe it's Jake?? Huck? All I know is that I cannot wait to see this play out. Olivia is going to go all bad ass on this whole thing! OPA just landed their biggest case of all time. Liv will be calling the shots behind the scenes, while Quinn (possibly Huck) and Jake take the frontlines.... We'll see.

Episode 3 is titled 'Paris in Burning'. Could Paris mean 'LOVE' burning? Meaning Olitz is caught up in this storm as reactions pour in about their now full on affair? Perhaps in 503 we see the extent of the fall out from next week's 502 episode.

*From this promo, it's hard to tell how exactly this whole fall out is going to play out. One thing is for sure, Olivia freaking Pope is brilliant and she fixes things! She is committed to Fitz and loves him so much- but most importantly, she has EMBRACED her truth. Their truth. She has decided to no longer deny their reality- it was very telling when she told him, 'I want you. I want us'. Liv never said those things so no, she's in for the long haul. She's going to come up with a plan, won't be easy but it will work. I see people here saying this is the same plot as season 2- no it's not.

The main difference here is that Olivia is fully committed to her truth and is not running away, Mellie is already out of the Whitehouse (well, for now at least), and there is PROOF that OP is indeed with the President. There is NO WAY of hiding that, or 'Jeannine Locke'-ing people about it this time. It is OUT IN THE OPEN. That's the difference. So Liv can either come up with a plan for them to step out and OWN it, scrutiny and all- or find a way to mess with the narrative while still messing around in private. I don't know, either way- it's going to be awesome.

The fight is on- or should I say fights? Here are the battles- I cannot wait.

Mellie and Cyrus vs. Olitz

Mellie vs Olitz

Mellie and Cy vs Lizzi Bear / Olitz

Cy vs Lizzie Bear

Lizzie Bear vs Abby-

Huck/ vs Olitz (heck huck is probably salty from being 'dumped' by Liv)

Jake/Papa Pope (from jail LMFAO) vs Olitz.



God, this drama again. You know they're gonna spin some bullshit & have America fall in love with Olivia in the end. As for who leaked it, not Mellie, it doesn't do her any favors at this stage, doubtful it's Abby as it would ruin her friendship with Olivia forever, Liz is too obvious, it ain't Jake, seeing as he pretty much pushed Olivia to go back to Fitz. Random jealousy would make no sense. It was probably that bitch Fitz again.


I got to get an hours sleep it's nearly 5am here! Catch up later Gladiators. I liked the ep but I love Olitz so, there u go 😍🔥


Then being outted now all the way moves the story along no more hiding in the shadows I'm actually interested to see how they handle this one


It took 5 years but it finally happened. I knew they could never come out the closet, that's why they had to be dragged out.
