Traditional Physical Therapy Is a Waste of Time & Money.

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In this video, we are covering the idea of if traditional physical therapy will actually fix your injury.

The keyword here is the word traditional.

When I think of traditional I think of the following:

Electric stim.

So before any PT’s out there who “specialize” come and jump on my case I wanted to make it clear what I am talking about.

This happens all the time as follows:

You get injured and go to your PCP. They prescribe some medications that don’t end up working so they refer you out to a PT to “try” some therapy.

That therapy usually consists of the things listed above and a lot of exercises to help “strengthen” the area.

Because common thinking says: “ If it's weak we must just need it to be stronger.”


Exercises are overprescribed every single day and usually isn't the right thing for what you need to start off.

This doesn't stop 90 percent of musculoskeletal practitioners from starting off with exercises for the majority of the problems they see.

Don’t get me wrong, exercises are great in the right context and time frame, but they should never be your first go-to to fixing an injury.

What always happens is there is damage to the tissue, be it a tear or an accumulation of scar tissue and inflammation.

That then leads to an altered range of motion. When a range of motion is altered it causes the muscles to downgrade or weaken to help protect the joint, similar to when you limp when you sprain your ankle.

Your body knows what it is doing and doing exercises to work around that can actually cause more harm than good.

The first step is always to restore range of motion first and that comes from getting the tissue healthier through manual methods or an instrument to reduce the scar tissue.

So if you are doing PT and they start off right away with exercises and stretches but don’t clean up the tissue first you are going to fail.

Fix the range first, then strengthen. Always!

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That's clear wording and explanation of how I've been thinking of my 25 years in and out of PT. I've walked out of PT more than a few times, mid session as I told them, "I'm not coming here just to do things I can do at home" I've often walked out of PT in more pain than when I went in and I was in pain for more days after PT than when I skipped or quit it. PT has become the go to script for everything even after an MRI, CT or Xray shows a disc bulge, slip or hernia, scoliosis, and even a torn Bicep tendon I got last year.. In the over 25 years of being in and out of PT as "ordered" at least every 3 years in 3 states, I can say with all confidence that Physical Therapy is a huge waste of time and money. These PT scripts are written by Doctors and Surgeons blindly and habitually so they can pat them selves on the back for "Helping" the patient while realistically doing absolutely nothing.
That's my take on PT and I will never see a Physical Therapist again for my chronic pain. And you don't want me to get started on Neurologists. LOL.. I want what you said in this video.. I want someone to tell me why the injury happened, and how to not have it happen again. Not just go in and exercise while the Phys Therapist goes and sits down somewhere. So thanks. I've been feeling like I was alone in thinking that I deserve answers, and not just a print out of exercises.


I've had physical therapy multiple times and all I ever get is reinjured when I'm not listened to.


i did pt and it didnt help me at all and was a total waste of time and money


Now breath. 😂😁I could not have said it better myself. Bits it's like bashing you head against a brick wall.


I've had 5 significant running injuries over the past 15 years: IT band syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, hamstring strain and 2 rounds of groin strain. I went to PT for all of those injures. I can say with confidence that only the IT band issue was solved with PT. All other injuries were not even touched with PT. PF was the worst injury and resulted in me having to quit running for 18 months. I tried PT, cortisone and orthotics. PT was useless. Cortisone shot lasted one week and was one of the most painful fricking shots I have even been given. It was large ass needled jabbed into the side of my heel (on my birthday no less). Orthotics were a fucking joke. They were these hard ass pieces of molded plastic. My foot doc told me to gradually increase the time I wore them per day. I only made it to about 3 hours. They were so damn uncomfortable and painful that I finally threw them in the trash. For the groin strain, I went through 16 sessions and nearly $2000 of PT and actually left that in more pain than when I started. I went to another PT for the groin and he did needling with stim right on my crotch in a wide open room with a lot of people. It was very humiliating. The lower level tech refused to perform the treatment because he didn't feel comfortable. So, the lead PT had to do it.


chronic pain sufferer for three years, two bulging disc in L4 and L5 due to workplace injury. Physical Therapy for three years, four different therapist. None of them put their hands on me .
