What If Time Stopped? | Unveiled

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Could TIME ever STOP?? Join us... and find out!

In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at a bizarre "what if" scenario that some scientists claim COULD HAPPEN - What if time stopped? The true structure and nature of time remains one of the greatest unknowns in all of science, but can we really count on it always "being there"?? Some say no, we can't!

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0:00 Intro
0:43 What Is Time?
1:58 What If Time Stopped?
3:03 The Terrible Reality
5:08 Impact on Gravity
6:42 Is it Physically Possible?
8:37 Conclusions

#Science #Time #WhatIf #QuantumComputer #Experiment

I think Time Stops for us all when we die. Maybe we even continue to exist forever in that moment that never ends. That doesn’t mean we forever suffer the pain we were in when dying; we can just step away to anywhere else in the universe we want to.


My thoughts on that is, if it was a Superpower, your body would be negated to the laws that hold it. With a Superpower that can seem like Time has stopped, but Time can never really stop, just slowed down to a single moment.

With the Power you have you can move around and everything else, but no one else would know.

Stopping Time be very hard to do. And soon as Time has stop physically, how would it start back up?

And to the question about before the Big Bang with Time! Time did had to be there in order for the Big Bang to happen. At that moment Time was moving at a rate faster then Speed of Light. It just slowed down over time.


I and many others I have talked to feel like time has sped up, a lot in the past 10 years.


I'd live in a place where NOTHING happens just to feel like time stopped, it would be definitely like living in a vaccum LOL! .... Oh I'd also feel like popping in and out of EXISTENCE hahaha!


Nice! Finally a different and very thoughtful video; I Love 😢


I asked an AI this same question and it said: If time stopped, then everything would freeze.
The universe would no longer be able to change or evolve, and life would cease to exist.
That being said, it's unlikely that time will ever stop.
Time is closely connected with space, and the universe is constantly expanding.
This expansion allows for the flow of time.
So as long as the universe keeps expanding, time will continue to flow forwards.


I think time has more to do with sun, air and gravity depending on the situation.


Western science defines time as ‘a progression of subsequent events from past earlier states to later states with the arrow pointing ‘forward’ — yet dejavu & past & future life-memories (cf ‘On a Clear Day You Can See Forever’, 1969/1970) suggest that there is much more to the ‘fabric’ of time than meets our waking ‘beta’ consciousness —to say nothing of the existence of parallel universes which might have quite different ‘time-lines’ altogether — these are the kinds of things that keep me up at night !!


Time is metaphysical. The operational definition in physics is what we read from the face of a clock. A Feynman light clock ticks slower the faster it goes and stops ticking when the emitted photon can't catch the receptor because both travel at c. Time is memory of the past and awareness of the present. Or anticipation of the future. It is metaphysical not physical. The brain is not the mind.


So basically without time we wouldn’t exist


I dont know why but this video is the funniest thing ive ever seen i cannot stop laughing thankyou !


Time is the measurement of motion or change. It's not real. It's a means to describe our reality. Like how fast that car is moving, how long it takes for the Earth to rotate once on it's axis, how long it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun, how long it takes for the moon to orbit the Earth. Time is not real. You can't hold onto it, can't hear it, can't see it taking place. It's not real. It's a mental conception to better understand motion or change.


This is assuming movement requires time. Time is a very human perspective that, some argue, may not even exist. It's an interesting thought experiment, but is possible atoms and other objects, entities, and such do not need time in order to continue on.


My question is NOT about STOPPING time, but if we could live in the FUTURE by a few seconds but return back to time.😊


To be everywhere at once without time is where God must have been before he created the universe, means his consciousness existed before time and space existed, and what did he use as the seed for the universe and what brought him into existence? A puzzle of time.


What if time stopped before thats why we dont know where we came from. And our creators left us here at earth and we dont know who or what they are.


Time is simply a measurement of a duration, nothing more!!! Like a ruler... dont make more out of it than it is...


Well Einstein I think proved time was relativistic so maybe you could localize the continuation of time around you idk though. It would still take away some of the fun of pausing time bc you'd still age 🤷🏻


Nah "time", like most everything else, is just a human construct to explain stuffs 🙃


It is kinda cute, all the theories posed in this video. You even assumed, that you think you know, just what time is, and how it affects us and others. I'm sure some multidimensional beings are havin a good laff at it as well. Less than 0.01% of you are capable of innerstandin some things about existence on a quantum level. And less than 0.01% of those people could expand their human mind past the limits of thought and imagination to get even remotely close to infinity, to the infinite power. Logic and science alone will not lead you there. Without an infinitely open heart, a genuis is wasted on intelligence alone. Tesla, Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Einstein knew that without an open heart, the mind shall never expand past one's own mortality. However, for the infinitely open heart, and mind, the multiverses is a gift to be experienced.
Many blessins upon all of our paths.

A'ho warriors of the rainbow

- luv azrael 🙏💜
