Helldivers 2 - This Build Dominates The End Game Solo & Coop

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Dive into Helldivers 2 with confidence! Our end game guide breaks down the ultimate build for players pushing into the hardest difficulties, equipping you with the knowledge you need to crush enemies and conquer missions effortlessly. Master the game with this winning new player loadout.

Thanks to @PlayStation for providing a game key to Legacy Gaming

0:00 - Intro
0:25 - Addressing The Meta Drama
0:57 - Weapons
02:26 - Stratagems
6:13 - Ship Modules
8:01 - Armor
8:38 - Build Summary
9:45 - Gameplay Tips
11:39 - Join The Community...for Democracy!

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I dont see the supply pack as a good option in solo play as you will get plenty of ammo from supply drops as you dont have to share and will have full control of when it's called in. Shield is way more valuable for solo, in my opinion.


I think you should discuss the automaton and bugs separately. The automaton fight is mainly long range battles, with a lot of medium armor units. The bug is mainly close range battles, with a combination of light and heavy armor units. You don't use the same build against the 2 factions.


The second heavy armor gets fixed, supply pack should be taken on 8+. Especially if folks are running Scorcher. It runs out of ammo fast and is good against both factions (maybe even the one coming?). Bile Titans feel like they got nerfed or Rail gun damage got buffed and have been dying fast in the last few days.

Eagle Airstrike is good all round, Laser is a comfy pick for horde clear and heavy harassment and Railcannon Strike for the too many Bile Titan/Tanks that spawn on Bot Drops/Bug Breaches.

Dont Forget! The Scout helmet reduces armor (not an issue) for slightly better stamina use/speed. When armor values get fixed, the Dynamo premium pass helmet does the opposite and if armor does make a difference that might be something to take into consideration for a slight edge.


Quick tip: I've seen lots of people that don't know that if you hit 5 on kbm, you can use the supply pack on yourself. This might be widely known, but I've seen plenty of dudes complaining about not having ammo, whilst literally wearing a supply pack.


breaker/railgun/supply pack/EMSmortar because it doesnt kill team and makes hordes stand there and die/eagle-orbital of choice mission dependant/frag grenade/stam or radar booster and green scout armor with helmet that gives a little extra hidden stam/speed stats, its taken me from hard difficulty to suicide missions in about 2 days. I can kite a pair of bile titans and a horde pack while my team completes objectives as I pick away with the rail cannon stutter sprint/shoot. I havent used any other weapon that shutdowns chargers mid charge like it does, so im having a hard time ever putting the rail down in my loadout. I swap to breaker for those little guys that get past my mortar CC and rarley break out the pistol uzi when i dont want to wait for a reload. Super fun build I'm getting really effective with now.


I think we need to get the message out for all divers to knock out the galaxy objective before other things. We just lost to the automatons


1:49 I have been using the Dominator against bugs. My "trick" is to switch to the Redeemer whenever I encounter small bugs or warriors, and save the explosive rounds for larger enemies. It has worked well so far up to Dificulty 7.


i'd say have 1 person with statis turret so it can slow down a good horde, in matches where the enemy is coming from 1 direction, that statis turret comes clutch holding the choke hold. mortar turret also combos well with it


Personal shield, railgun, eagle cluster and orbital rail and or emp cannon


Ive seen a lot of people find success with turrets but ive been really enjoying a more on the move airstrike focused loadouts


If point man is running an Arc Thrower, it’s a slept on weapon. Make sure your teammates watch your 6. I was melting bugs until the heavies pull up but it can hold its own if you can create distance


It pays a lot to stop moving, crouch and aim. The Breaker is great and still kills fast if you hit the weak spots. I noticed a lot of missing in this footage when using the Breaker


I use railgun, Rover, Auto sentry and gatling. I've gotten up to 895 kills in a match with this loadout. If you place both sentrys together you can slaughter.


If you’re talking end game then you should’ve said the trailblazer scout armor instead of the infiltrator armor. It gives the same perks but the stats are higher.


Love this game, Games Workshop needs to hook up with these devs for a Warhammer 40k game. I pretend automatons are Necron, and the bugs are Tyranids. lol


So Remnant II just got new corrupted weapons with the update and finally crossplay. Also the abberation event is back till March 5th. 2nd dlc is coming soon and I can’t wait for y’all to cover Remnant II again.


I love your attitude and videos on Helldivers in every other video but this build is so close to the META is almost indistinguishable and isn’t going to shake up the community enough. I know we’re limited with weapon balancing but we gotta get more creative with the options we have


Once I played with 3 other players. End of mission, he killed 3 of us, took all the simples & kicked us out. lol


Thank you, this will be a perfect build for me


I don't see a problem with the breaker against robots or a low rate of fire against bugs. You can precisely hit the robot weak spots with the SSG and since most bugs can be one-shot, rate of fire isn't really required if you know how to hit the weak spots. Also, the Rocket Sentry is better in every regard than the AC Sentry and has more ammo and health. I also think that the Grenade Launcher is a good support weapon if there are already rail guns in the squad.

Last but not least, you should know if you are going on the attack or stay on the defense. Bringing a defense strategem to a fast-moving attack is a waste, while on the defense you should bring more sentries than just one.
