The Authority Jesus gave us in the Spiritual Realm over Demonic Spirits (Calvary Chapel Tucson)

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0:00 Intro
1:13 Revelation 12:9
1:29 Revelation 12:4
1:38 Ephesians 6:12
2:45 Luke 10:19
3:18 Matthew 28:18-20
4:00 1 John 5:18
4:40 1 Corinthians 11:14-15
5:12 1 Timothy 4:1
6:00 1 Peter 5:18
6:25 1 John 4:4
6:50 Ephesians 4:27
7:05 Matthew 16:18
7:21 James 2:19
Welcome to Hot Topics! This is the next video of a series of topics that are discussed by Pastor Robert Furrow of Calvary Church.
Today on Hot Topics, The Authority Jesus gave us in the Spiritual Realm over Demonic Spirits
Calvary Tucson & Hot Topics with Robert Furrow
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as Jesus begins his ministry in Capernaum while he's preaching in the synagogue a man with an unclean spirit cries out and says what have you to do with us I know who you are Jesus tells him to not speak and then cast him out and it reminds us of the messiah's ministry that he would set captives free but it also reminds us that there is an unseen world out there a demonic realm and sometimes it can make us afraid I want us to look at today the authority that Jesus has given us in that unseen realm
hi this is robert furrow and welcome to hot topics if you're new here consider liking subscribing sharing and ringing the bell so you can get all of our new content the comment section is open below we would love to hear from you one of the first things that comes to mind when we see this man delivered from this unclean demon is what is an unclean spirit or what is a demon what is a principality so i want us to take a look at a few passages that are just going to help us to get some context and the authority that we have and whether or not we should be afraid of them first of all it says in revelation 12 9 so the great dragon was cast out the serpent of old called the devil satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him there's another passage that tells us he took a third of the stars with him and that makes us think that he took a third of these angels with him now we're told something specific about angels in ephesians 16 it says for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against rulers of darkness and against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places when the angels fell it looks like they were ranked and the rankings go from principalities and then powers and finally a spiritual host of wickedness it looks like some of them have greater powers and some of them are ranked higher demons would be considered to be the lowest on this list and if that is the case if that's who demons are angels who fell with satan then we know what we're dealing with i also realize that there are some out there who believe that there are fallen angels and other spiritual beings and that demons are the the spirits of the nephilim that don't have anywhere to go uh but as far as i can tell from scripture i don't see anything that really looks like that could be the case maybe i've changed my mind if i see something but i don't think it is i think we're looking at these fallen angels that have different ranks as we think about that fallen realm i want us to think about the authority that we have been given listen to what jesus said to the 70 as he sent them out in luke 10 19. he said behold i give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you power to trample on serpents and scorpions well do you know in the old testament that satan is called a serpent and do you know that satan and other demonic spirits are also called scorpions and so jesus is telling them he's sending them out with power and authority over them we are told some very similar things jesus said in matthew 28 18 this is the great commission he said all authority has been