Why Sigma Males Don't Need Words to Intimidate

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Why Sigma Males Don't Need Words to Intimidate.
Did you know that 93% of communication is non-verbal? That means that before you even open your mouth, people are already making assumptions about who you are based on your body language, facial expressions, and overall demeanor.
While not everyone may be able to pick up on these subtle cues, Sigma males often have a strong presence that can be felt by others. They may not actively try to intimidate others, but it can happen unintentionally simply because of who they are. Here are 7 ways Sigma males can intimidate without saying a word.

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85 percent of communication is non- verbal, 10% of people will swear up and that they know you ( when in fact, they don't), as for the remaining 5%? Time will tell you what they're really about, you just have to be patient


I believe that one through four are also about the eyes.
You are not looking down or away when you are doing these as a Sigma.

I’ve been told that I am doing that “judgy” thing with my eyes (So far always by women.), and I’ve learned to reply with a grin,
“Not yet, I’m still taking in Data.”,
which is generally the truth, because I have yet to set an opinion.


The eyes are the window of the soul, I've shut many things down by just a stare, anyone else experience this?


Silence is the default mode, but being loud and obnoxious is sometimes necessary when someone will not leave you alone. I don't consider it intimidation, it's an effort to protect your peace. Staying calm doesn't work with everyone.


Doing your own thing, that's the definition of being Sigma.


Being yourself in a world full of clones is at it's self an achievement i.m.o.
Being true to yourself is even better, but Living your own life is the most valuable goal you can possibly set for yourself.
Once you are able to do just that, you might have found the reason of living all together, a thing that a lot of people search for but will never find because they are afraid of being left alone.
I hate being categorized and therefore I refuse to put a label on, however, I share a lot of traits of this so called "archetype".
Not completely convinced though...


I love eye contact, that's how I know someone is listening and how I show I'm listening. I modify my eye contact when I see it is making the other uncomfortable.


They have start seeing it, and they are still trying les see who speek with God😊😊😊
