Multitest Active Monitor Speakers - PSI, Yamaha, Neumann, Behringer - HEDD

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A multitest of different active monitor speakers:

PSI 14-M Broadcast
Yamaha HS8
HEDD Type07
Neumann KH120
We have measured each loudspeaker ánd let you hear how they sound!
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0:15:35 PSI 14-M Broadcast Demo (Sharpness)
0:17:45 PSI comments
0:19:42 PSI Demo (Vocal)
0:21:45 PSI comments
0:23:45 PSI Demo (Royal)
0:25:14 PSI comments
0:26:07 PSI measurements

0:28:57 Passive v.s. active systems

0:31:27 HS8 Introduction
0:33:33 HS8 Demo (Piano)
0:36:25 HS8 comments
0:39:54 Question about Tidal
0:42:57 HS8 Demo (Royal)
0:45:07 HS8 comments
0:46:00 HS8 v.s. PSI size
0:47:23 HS8 Demo (Vocal)
0:49:37 HS8 Demo end
0:50:07 HS8 measurements
0:52:52 End of measurements

0:53:42 Behringer Truth B2031 introduction
0:56:06 Behringer Demo (Vocal)
0:58:33 Behringer comments
1:00:55 Behringer Demo (Royal)
1:02:55 Behringer comments
1:04:07 Behringer Demo (Piano)
1:05:53 Behringer Demo (Cha Cha)
1:07:45 Behringer comments
1:09:40 Behringer measurements

1:12:45 HEDD introduction
1:15:43 HEDD Demo (Piano)
1:18:30 HEDD comments
1:20:17 HEDD Demo (History)
1:22:08 HEDD comments
1:22:30 HEDD Demo (Vocal)
1:24:37 HEDD comments
1:24:50 HEDD Demo (Royal)
1:26:45 HEDD comments
1:29:59 The Germans are in the house
1:30:37 HEDD measurements

1:33:53 Rogers LS35A comment
1:34:30 Studio v.s. Home speakers
1:38:18 Final comments on consumer vs producer speakers

1:39:10 Neumann KH120 introduction
1:39:54 (Headphone warning) Neumann Demo (Piano)
1:42:44 Neumann comments
1:45:05 Neumann Demo (Vocal)
1:47:10 Neumann Demo (Nemesis)
1:49:00 Neumann comments
1:50:26 Neumann Demo (Royal)
1:52:40 Neumann comments
1:53:27 Neumann measurements

1:57:08 Conclusions
1:57:30 Top 5


what an excellent setup and review! Fantastic! Please keep it coming.


You provide uncommon and valuable insight! Thank you so much...


Not about any of these speakers in particular, but what I think makes a good monitoring speaker is when the manufacturer doesn't try to get more extension out of the speakers than they have to give. I've heard some supposed studio monitors where they've used crossovers or DSP to try to EQ more bass extension out of their woofers and it inevitably results in compromised performance both for the bass extension as well as the mids. Yamaha's HS8 are the only one of these speakers that I've heard in person and they don't try for this. They roll off around 40Hz, which is where the speaker's resonant frequency is, and they don't try to use DSP or cabinet trickery to push any lower. Their response: Need bass? Buy a subwoofer. I respect that kind of mentality, particularly when you're dealing with 2-way speakers. You start making compromises with the driver that does bass and mids and you've ruined a speaker. You can afford to do so a bit more on 3-way systems because the mids will still be clean even if you're trying for a deeper bass dive on the woofer, but 3-way bookshelf speakers are significantly less common, which I feel is quite a shame.


Who cares if the Neumann sounds flat - that's why we have tone controls!


The Piano sounds realy great on the yamaha but the highes are very sharp on yamaha. At Yamaha i always have the feeling that they make their things for classic music.
I have a yamaha AV 1080 and give it back cause only classic music sounds good on that. I change to AVpioneer 701.
That make for me a more balanced sound.


Listening to everything on my KRK Rokit5 G4's. :) I'll just comment on the Bach track because I love this Jazz arrangement so much!!! The Yamaha sounded very close to what I have on my CD, while the HEDD comes as a very close second. I loved them both, but especially the HEDD for the bass. Third place is Neumann, while the Behringer is worst of all. :)


The problem with small 2 way studio monitors is that they only work best at 1 to 1.5m but you are looking for 2.5 to 3 meters for a Hi-Fi system. I had the kh120 and they did not work well at 2 meters and they are kind of compressed.


I would like to see a thorough test of the HS8...


Would be very interesting to do this test in a double blind fashion (behind an acoustically transparent curtain, for example. Thanks for the measurements, really interesting stuff. Which software do you use?


Yamaha sounds very natural. Yamaha speakers will sound what you input in them, the famous NS1000 is a great example of that. So it will basically reflect the source.


I did here the ports a bit on the HEDD


Thanks for doing this comparison. I have Neumann KH120's here and they are great monitors. The frequency response is very flat and I find them to be very accurate monitors. I did notice that the volume was turned down and these were quieter than the Hedd and PSI?
I liked the PSI but missed the low frequency extension of the KH120's Also, I really enjoyed listening to the Hedd Type 07 but these perhaps sounded a little hyped? The stereo imaging sounded very good though from this test.


Very nice test!!! I'm considering buying new nearfields, PSI A17m is my top choice but these HEDDs sound so good! Did you measure their impulse response? @TheAlphaAudio what would you recommend - PSI or HEDD?


Just got me is like you hear a hi-end system...but get more you need to pay 3-5 times more


Hedds or neumans. I can't make my mind up. Monitors can be close to me. Like less than a metre, or on stands around 1.5m


@ TheAlphaAudio - very good comparison, appritiate your effort you put into this stream. Question: Do you think the Sonnet Morpheus Pre/DAC is a good match with the active Hedd 07? Or is it overkill for the quality of the Heed speakers? Any other less costly recommendation for Pre/DAC to fit with the Heed07? Thx


Thanks for this nice and interesting comparison. I would like some advice from TheAlphaAudio reviewers: in an active speaker like Neumann KH120 or Hedd 07 a good pre / dac that is also equipped with MM phono input as well as balanced outputs. The price around 1000 euros. Thank you.


Hello, and the Neumanns vs the Focal Sopras 1 ?


I'm thinking of selling my Kali LP6 for Hedd Type 05. Is there much of an improvement?
