Native American History For Dummies | Disney's Zombies 2

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They are Native Americans and that is not cool

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Season: 4
Episode: 4

#disneychannel #disneyszombies #commentary
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The Z-O-M-B-I-E-S movies is just Addison trying to fit in with every minority group


If I had a nickel for every popular teen franchise that characterized Native Americans as werewolves, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.


So no one calls out Addison for going full "my great-grandmother was a Native American princess" when she's revealed she's not a werewolf huh...


“SHE’S STILL OPRESSED!” In the thumbnail is taking me out 🤣🤣🤣


addison’s white hair looks blond like her victim complex is so big


Love how Addison went from a stark white plastic wig to a sudden natural platinum blonde instead


The Z-O-M-B-I-E-S trilogy is like that one PSA that sucks ass yet you’re still required to watch it.


So not a single person who had a hand in writing these movies stopped for a second to think that maybe comparing minorities to monsters isn't the key to ending racism


I wish the series continued. I want 20 movies with poorly done allegories for bigotry using weird versions of classical monsters.

You can never have too many gay vampires.


Absolutely insane how Addison thinks having white hair is the same as being systematically oppressed💀

The worst part is that they could’ve actually improved on this in this movie. Just have Addison self identify as a werewolf, she has to abide by the racist monster laws, and then she sees what the actual zombies and werewolves have to go through.


I would like the ZOMBIES franchise to do a whole "kid-friendly" WWII story


zombies was like "hmmm, we need an allegory for racism, how about we make our characters (which are supposed to represent black people) super aggressive and deadly, but the white people made a thing to control them so they're decent people now!"


Ok so hear me out… Zombies were an allegory for black people, and the humans think are afraid of them for being strong and aggressive, and think their hair is wacky and strange. That’s a bit to close to reality with the amount of discrimination there is simply for having black hairstyles. Now, we’ve got werewolves, an allegory for Native Americans, and everyone is scared of them because of their barbaric behavior and animal spirit practices. Sound familiar? It’s a little too on-the-nose for me. I haven’t seen the third with the aliens but if I swear to god if they are an allegory for immigrants I’m going to lose my mind.

edit: I am aware that the third movie is an immigrant allegory, you don’t need to keep telling me lmao


Homegirl really said that her being bullied by a few people is worse than racism, I can't


I think having white hair as a teen would actually make her popular. I personally desperately searched for a way to turn my hair white without it all falling out soon after.


I think Jacey deserves to inherit the title of gay because he somehow manages to out-zest Bucky, a nigh impossible feat


I know that the third film reveals she's an alien, but I think it'd be so funny if they didn't, and the entire franchise is just Addison finding new minority groups to attach herself to so she'll feel oppressed


It's incredibly bold of this franchise that focuses on several racial discrimination allegories to center almost all of its conflicts around the white girl. It only gets worse with the 3rd one, though, so I'm excited(?) to see when you'll cover that one. Good review!


I LOVE (no i don't) how in every movie Addison feels the need to insert herself into serious racial issues. "My hair is white so I'm actually just like you" to the respective race allegory, Is like a white person saying "My hair is curly so I'm just like you" to a black person.
Like Addison, honey, sweetheart, you wear a wig because you have white hair, Zombies were forced into segregation and discrimination and the only way for them to desegregate everything is to show that they boost the morale of their oppressors, and Werewolves were removed from their homeland by settlers who claimed it as their own and abused their resources for profit. You are not the same 💀


this story really would've been better if zed was the main character, especially with the whitewashing allegory.
- have his electoral campaign be the primary focus (nixing the cheerleading stuff if possible) and have him try to help the wolves due to his own experiences with systemic oppression.
- when he sees his ranking in the polls go down due to supporting the wolves, have him start whitewashing himself in order to try and have the best of both worlds, which in turn makes the wolves suspicious of his support and think he's using them as a political tactic or having ulterior motives.
- have him try to prove his support is legit by trying to convince the city council to rightfully give them back their resources, which would bring addison into the conflict due to the fact that her rich parents probably "earned" their money through monetizing those resources
- have addison confronting her upbringing/privilege while also showing zed being conflicted as to whether or not a relationship with addison would work due to her hesitance to invoke actual change at the cost of her luxury
- then idk addison convinces her parents to give back the resources and they have a dance party at the end?? realistically there would still be a lot more to do to actually give back reparations but hey! disney said "tHiS iS a KiDs MoViE" so it *has* to have a happy ending, right?
