Is Keeping The Sabbath A 'Demonic Doctrine'? | Doug Batchelor

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Is Keeping The Sabbath A "Demonic Doctrine"? | Doug Batchelor

Here's my response to Pastor Greg Locke calling Sabbath keeping a demonic doctrine.
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I have been keeping the Sabbath for two years now. It has been a true blessing and I have grown so much in my walk with Abba Father.


I love how calm and peaceable pastor Doug is.


This is one of the most beautiful, dignified defenses of one's belief system that I have ever had the privilege to witness. Pastor Batchelor is a remarkable man.


Thank you Pastor Dough, I was a catholic and was converted to the Bible truth of Sabbath, the 7th day, as God instituted. God bless you more as you continue to calmly tell the truth.


Thank you pastor Dough. I came from Sunday worship and didn’t understand anything much from Bible prophecy. After I understand about the Sabbath my brother and I got re-baptized. Praise the Lord only His word still standing.


Just listening to this “preacher” makes my stomach turn. Yelling and criticizing others is so unkind and accusing others of worshipping the devil is just beyond the pale. I’m not an Adventist but I am a sabbath keeper and I truly appreciate the Pastors gentle and firm rebuttal using the scriptures. I have learned so much from listening to your teachings. Yelling in rage at people and accusing others of believing things that are not true is just so wrong. I cannot even imagine Yahshua treating people that way. Thank you for sharing this.


I recently started keeping the Sabbath on Saturday to the best of my ability (some places I often need to go aren't open on Sunday). My physical and emotional health have improved greatly. God knows what He's doing.


To all my Seventh Day Adventist Christian brothers and sisters, please
stand firm, and strong fully grounded and settled in your faith, be steadfast
unmoveable. Don't be distracted by every wind of doctrine.


God bless you pastor Doug.. Watching you from India 🇮🇳..
I too face this kind of pastors here...
I Praise God for pastors like you who are bringing light to this world.. ❤

Let truth triumph.. 💐🙏


That was excellent! Thank you Pastor Doug. Your calm presence and sound biblical teachings speak volumes. I will share this with many. Thank you for all you do to bring truth to the world. I pray for you often that the Lord continues to watch over you and bless you and you reach souls for Him. Happy Sabbath!


I was baptized in the First Baptist Church in 1983 when I was 13 years old. In 2021 I had my eyes opened. I've now been baptized as a Seventh-Day Adventist after understanding the Bible's truth about Sabbath worship. Something I felt I always knew but never knew. The whole, .. those who have ears let them hear, and eyes to see thing, really hit me hard once I realized how blind I had been all my life. I feel renewed! A joy within me has been sealed. My new faith is strong and secure!! This preacher does have an anger within him that tells me he will fall hard if he ever truly sees how blind he has been. I hope his congregation will be able to catch him. Because it'll be a long hard fall alone.


I'm not an SDA, but I did an exhaustive concordance study of the Sabbath-Sunday issue years ago. I couldn't find anywhere in the Bible where it says the 7th day Sabbath was changed or abolished. There is also not one verse in the Bible that says we should rest or worship on Sunday, or that we should keep it in honor of the resurrection.


Thank you Pastor Doug for defending the Sabbath! and for not letting it pass and for responding in a gentle way… I pray that more people will find out the true meaning of Sabbath (Saturday) and how it is important to God.


Men like him make me study my bible more because the devil is angry with those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. Friends, what we are about to be up against will require us to cry day and night for God to pour out the latter rain on us. The majority of the christian world has made void the law of God thinking they are doing God a service.


I was raised in the Baptist church. I went to church every week went to youth group and never felt like I knew the Lord. I was taught fire and brimstone that everybody’s going to hell and was forced to watch that horrible movie about the end times when Christians get their heads chopped off. I think every Baptist has to watch that horrible movie nothing against Baptist but I never felt like I ever understood God’s love or what God was actually trying to tell us. I left the church and I prayed for God to show me the truth, and he lead me to the adventist Church, which has transformed my walk with God and I thank the Lord every day for it. And instead of listening to a pastor scream at me about how I’m going to hell I get to learn about scripture and God’s love for each one of us..


I belonged to the Presbyterian Church but i love your Biblical teaching @Pastor Doug . I pray that you will lived long till our Lord Jesus Christ come . That Pastor in the clip was intoxicated by the wine of Babilon we pray that Jesus will open his eyes before it's too late . Amen 🙏🙏🙏


Amen!!! a praise God that He has delivered us from these types of False teachers!!


Whenever someone mentions that it doesn't matter what day we worship, there is always stubbornness and impatience in their voice. They don't want a response to their comment. It is as if deep down they know Saturday is the Sabbath day. God bless you Pastor Doug, you sound shaken by that video (so are we) but you responded the way a Christian should. Happy Sabbath!


“…The Sabbath is a demonic doctrine.”

Wow… the Bible wants us to be careful not to call what is good evil.


Amen Pastor Doug. For all my life I have struggled on this one doctrine. But I really don't have to anymore. The Word of God is very clear. Everytime I remind myself "GOD" not man, "GOD" rested on the Sabbath and He "Blessed" it. Human preachers who inspired no scripture keep misleading God's people. Jesus said "If you love me keep my commandments!" Keeping 9 and making plausible excuses on the one is very obedient of us, isn't it? Any Holy Spirit led and convicted Christian should know for sure. It's not about been legalistic like the pharisees and saducees. The Peace and Joy of willingly obeying His Word coupled with a personal relationship with Christ is truly a pure and true Christlike identity in the world today. Our God is Good and Faithful. I pray His Holy Spirit continues to convict and lead people out of error and also the unbeliever to Christ.
