Abraham Hicks 2018 ~ How To Know You Are In The Vortex ~ No Ads

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Abraham Hicks 2018 ~ How To Know You Are In The Vortex

About Abraham Hicks: Esther Hicks is an inspirational author and speaker, who along with her husband Jerry Hicks, have been presenting Law of Attraction workshops since 1987. As a part of Abraham-Hicks Publications, they published a best-selling book in 2005 called "Ask and It is Given". In addition, they have published numerous New York Times Best-sellers.


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The Vortex I'm in and can't get out. I'm dizzy with bliss. How much is too much?


Ok as far as vortex… ive been trial and erroring and manifestation journaling for the better part of 4 or 5 years. What i have found is feeling may matter to some degree to manifest but its more about confidence. With time and building confidence that you can think/speak things into existence, you can manifest even on your worst days, lowest vibration days as long as the thing you are consciously manifesting, you have confidence and focus on.

Much like training for a new job, those first days are challenging and can make your brain hurt and you may wonder if you have what it takes. With time, you can come into work half asleep after being up all night or most of the night with a sick kid, or have all sorts of personal issues that drain your focus and energy but you have the confidence in the work you are doing to know your training and years of experience will enable you to get the job done. When you have the confidence. When you dont, you make mistakes on the job. Manifesting is no different. Sure being upbeat, well rested and energized and high vibration may enhance those chances as it inevitably enhances confidence with that dopamine/adrenaline combo (motivation, urgency and feeling of fluidity), but im telling you and from repeated testimony of others, i am sleep deprived and sick to my stomach today, feeling like im coming down with a cold, and i woke up in the vortex and im still in the vortex. Because i believe things i say and think will happen. Its a vibration of its own that is separate from mood. Feeling *is* the secret, but it’s about belief that you can not belief in feeling good. If you seek to feel good, you will find more seeking. If you simply decide to he confident, you will remain confident and manifestations will materialize in the 3D to confirm that confidence.

How do i know Im in the vortex? Signs. Uncanny coincidences. Like im at work “oh sometimes this happens but not often”. Then boom something that happens only once a year happens 3 times in a shift. This usually happens a few times throughout the day and keeps happening for multiple days each time i open my mouth to say literally ANYTHING. I know im in the vortex. I get repeating numbers. Etc all the stereotypical things they talk about. But it seems like it happens out of nowhere. Unexpected. When i visualize for several consecutive nights and focus on collapsing space and time and actively release resistance and treat manifesting as playful. There’s something about when you “let go” and work on confidence that activates this vortex. The vortex literally feels like a tornado. I speak it or think it and it happens. Sometimes within minutes. Its like being on a carousel, you stay on literally as long as itll keep spinning. You can’t make it speed up but resistance will slow it down.

Its a crazy thing. But it literally has nothing to do with my mood, its mindset. And if im honest, usually it happens when i am really tired and in an “i dont care” state of mind. 😂 it comes out of nowhere i think. But its happened several times this past year and good things AND bad things will manifest. So you gotta be careful.

I’ll be honest, the things she says the first 3 minutes, im in the vortex and i had to click off cause it was pulling me outta the vortex 😂 whats shes saying is how i feel on a cup of coffee and a can of monster. Vortex is actually WAY more zen than she describes. It has a mild, somewhat passive, confident, easygoing, low key cheery, not elated, just relaxed feeling. Neutral. Positive yet neutral. Stable. Unphased. The opposite of anxiety but not quite elation. A knowing. If you’ve ever been knocked out for surgery, its the feeling right before you go under but you’re still awake, you just “know”. And keep knowing. And no doubts or worries. Even if something doesn’t come, its fine, but it keeps coming.

Its so counter intuitive. But its a thing.


Forms of Alignment and In the Vortex:
▪ Meditation, Appreciation, Passions, doing what feels good is Positive Vibration and *"that is in the Vortex"*


To me it's quite simple: when I'm in the vortex I have no doubt I'm in the vortex. It's like eating watermelon, I feel the sensation of it in my mouth, no doubt about it. If someone tries to tell me I'm not eating anything or something else other than watermelon, it won't have any effect bc I know what I'm experiencing without a doubt and I can see they're not eating watermelon as well or else they wouldn't be doubting what I'm having (with their mouth full they wouldn't even be talking 😂).
So... it's not that hard to know when you're in the vortex. It feels very sustained bc it's Source itself sustaining you.
